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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 1998, 705 total |
406916 An air carrier widebody transport crosses the end of runway 12-30 at tlv without clea...
406918 On climb onboard F100, aircraft hit clear air turbulence at 8000 ft without incident....
406920 Flight crew of a cessna citation ii C550 drifted off assigned altitude during arrival...
406921 On descent on board A300, passenger assaulted cabin attendant when refused wine. Auth...
406922 Flight crew of EMB120 has aural warning regarding trim on takeoff roll. They abort th...
406923 Near midair collision between an air carrier light transport turboprop descending and...
406924 Light transport cpr first officer observes small aircraft aircraft flaring out on run...
406930 Pilot of a piper cherokee saratoga PA32 flew several IFR flight legs and turned in AS...
406934 FK10 crew experienced 'navigation display error' on approach about 10 mi from landing...
406935 On taxi on board A300, passenger attacked cabin attendant after refusing to comply wi...
406938 When the first officer of a B727 used speed brakes to make an altitude and speed rest...
406939 On landing, MD80S cabin attendant was injured due to a hard landing.
406940 A B737-300 taxies for takeoff at las and crosses the hold short line for runway 7L. F...
406950 Flight crew of a B737-300 heard, recorded and crossed fix at the altitude that they b...
406951 PA28 pilot becomes disoriented when utilizing ADF to find airport. Pilot becomes awar...
406956 PA28 pilot, on sight-seeing tour, almost hits radio tower. Pilot distraction with per...
406957 Air carrier B190 flight crew enters left traffic on visual approach. Tower tires to s...
406960 During taxi onboard MD80, intoxicated passenger assaulted cabin attendant in aisle du...
406964 Air carrier flight crew encounter severe turbulence from thunderstorm. Vertical altit...
406966 A B737-400 on approach to clt back course approach runway 23 experiences an uncommand...
406970 Commuter flight crew land at phl without tower clearance.
406972 B727 so accidentally opened the fuel system dump valve while refueling was in progres...
406975 Flight crew landing at chs were apparently instructed to land and hold short (lahso) ...
406976 C402 pilot had a double engine failure. He made emergency forced landing on a highway...
407057 Commercial radio controller transmits ZOA controller message to oceanic air carrier f...
407058 A B727 on takeoff has to abort at 50 KTS when another air carrier B737 crosses runway...
407060 A climbing, departing S80 PIC has a problem when the departure controller repeatedly ...
407062 Air carrier crew at oma taxiing for takeoff inadvertently taxied onto an active runwa...
407064 Shortly after takeoff ord F10 crew receive TCASII RA and sight an A340 landing on the...
407070 A climbing B727 cannot comply with ATC request to reach FL350 by a certain point, the...
407074 At cruise, onboard MD80S, passenger became ill and flight crew diverted to alternate ...
407075 On approach, onboard F100, flight crew declared emergency due to system hydraulic fai...
407080 An MD88 PIC taxies to the wrong runway for takeoff at rno after being distraction wit...
407081 An MD88 captain temporarily loses control of his aircraft when taxiing onto the runwa...
407090 A PA31 atx pilot descends prematurely to the MDA for the approach when cleared down t...
407151 One C172 overtakes another one in the traffic pattern at evy, de. Near midair collisi...
407152 A C210 overtakes a C172 in the traffic pattern at evy, de. Near midair collision occu...
407153 B727 crew had a compressor stall in #1 engine. FOD from a deicing boot on left wing.
407157 Dornier DO328 crew aborted takeoff after receiving an EICAS message 'right engine ecu...
407160 An F100 aborts takeoff at iah because of a lift dumper EICAS message that occurred in...
407169 MD80 touching down makes go around at mia due to jet blast from an MD11 taxiing south...
407170 MD80. Approach controller gave the crew the wrong altitude when issuing their approac...
407173 An MD11 on takeoff at 200 ft declared an emergency, dumped fuel, fired both fire exti...
407180 During climb onboard F100, clear air turbulence caused galley items to project into c...
407187 Flight crew of F100 has near midair collision with cessna when 600 ft airborne on tak...
407190 B757 crew had a typical approach to sna in a high density traffic environment.
407192 Flight crew of S80 has medical emergency on board and asks to be returned to the gate...
407199 An MD80 lands at mia, then, as he tries to taxi from the runway to gate, they are una...
407200 MD80 approachs united states border at 300 KTS below 10000 ft in cyul airspace.
407209 B727 crew departed with a maintenance discrepancy that was not properly signed off.
407226 Aircraft awaiting departure at the gate at bos, ma, has insufficient cooling. Passeng...
407227 B727. Outbound so called inbound so at the layover hotel. He claimed that the inbound...
407230 Pilot of PA28-140 is told to squawk VFR and contact approach. When he does so, he is ...
407234 A B737 is shorted 3000 pounds of fuel at dfw and lands with 4000 pounds of fuel remai...
407235 Flight crew of a B727 started a descent when noticing that the cabin altitude was ris...
407237 MD80 captain detected a fraudulent cockpit jump seat rider, after the fact.
407242 B767 crew overshot descent altitude clearance by 100 ft. Aircraft below them received...
407244 A DC10 just west of lax, bound of hnl, diverts to lax when their GPS units display a ...
407250 A descending B767-300 overshot its assigned altitude of 6000 ft. Captain had been on ...
407251 An S80 returns to phl when the PIC has difficulty in maintaining aircraft control. Th...
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