335306   Small aircraft pilot has complete electrical failure on IFR flight plan. Diverts to n...
335310   Reporter stated ASOS unit reported an unrptable visibility value. No one was authorit...
335320   First officer of an air carrier questioned the labeling of certain instrument approac...
335335   The reporter used heavy braking on the landing roll. The tire blew. The aircraft slid...
335336   Air carrier cargo aircraft on radar scope but not in radio contact is involved in los...
335337   Pilot of corporate jet was issued an initial altitude restr below radar coverage by A...
335340   The first officer of an air carrier cargo aircraft reports that the controller issued...
335342   A C336 pilot reports about the problems with an ATCT local controller's procedure of ...
335346   Tail dragger pilot loses control of aircraft on landing rollout when his foot is jamm...
335350   On the downwind in the traffic pattern the reporter sees a cessna 172 flying from rig...
335355   While on the ground in bos, a B737 flight crew taxied ahead of a DC9 that they had be...
335360   The captain approach did not handoff the reporter to tower on a practice ILS approach...
335362   Operational error occurred when a climbing air carrier made a WX deviation turn head-...
335367   The reporter at FL390 experienced increasing airspeed to mach buffet and moderate tur...
335368   The reporter took off runway 19 and avoided clouds by crossing back and forth across ...
335370   TCASII. Flight crew followed RA and climbed 500 ft. Intruder aircraft was climbing be...
335373   Aircraft equipment problem. Dual engine flameout. Cause unk, but probable icing plus ...
335379   The reporter in the right seat had to recover from a 60 degree pitch up on final appr...
335380   Flight crew turns late at intersection, then sets wrong radial on VOR and ends up off...
335390   The flight crew was assigned a 20 degree turn during a climb. The flight crew climbed...
335396   Reported situation in which the ground controller cleared the wrong aircraft to cross...
335397   An SF34 commuter flight crew landed on a closed runway at lax. The approach controlle...
335399   An air carrier flight crew responded to a TCASII RA which occurred during a frequency...
335402   During an FAA line check, an air carrier flight crew accepted 'cargo flight only' haz...
335410   The flight crew departed not knowing their heading assignment after takeoff. In absen...
335412   Approach controller reported that the TRACON had 6 ARTS scatters in a 10 min period. ...
335420   The reporter was assigned a 90 degree heading IFR towards a warning area and told to ...
335423   An aerial demonstration team made a military style overhead pattern without coordinat...
335425   Communications frequency 133 pt 97 MHZ at ZDC ARTCC has received unk interference fro...
335430   According to the reporter the TRACON cleared the reporter for a VOR approach to runwa...
335431   A B747 flight crew began a taxi to the wrong gate and while maneuvering for the corre...
335433   Helicopter approach to private helipad sights person stopped at warning sign for grou...
335440   HSI display switched to wrong input. Exp navigation versus (the correct) exp VOR ILS....
335444   A flight of hot air balloons was not able to contact ptk ATCT prior to entry into its...
335445   While taxiing at unfamiliar foreign airport, aircraft left main gear exited taxiway w...
335446   Flight crew of a corp jet failed to hold short at the hold short runway line resultin...
335458   Less than severe conflict occurred between a C172 in class B airspace without clearan...
335459   After being assigned a SID, reporter looked at a SID for a different runway, which wa...
335460   An air carrier flight crew was cleared for an ILS DME approach into lga, but the DME ...
335464   Aircraft equipment problem. Stuck throttle. Preparing to land, reporter aircraft had ...
335467   Near midair collision. 2 aircraft approaching airport from different directions and u...
335468   Under ground marshaller guidance taxiing into ramp area, there were aircraft either s...
335470   Flight crew had distrs prior to takeoff and became rushed. Reporter captain forgot to...
335479   Handoff problem between approach controller and tower. Apparent radio difficulty on a...
335480   Aircraft equipment problem. Faulty first officer altimeter in normal static source. A...
335481   At foreign airport flight crew had difficulty understanding the ground controller ins...
335482   After instructed to hold short by ground controller, the controller then told flight ...
335487   Fuel migrated from the left main tank to the center tank in-flight. The engine flamed...
335489   After heading clearance for localizer intercept, ILS automatic capture was armed for ...
335490   First officer reporter was distraction by checking weight and balance on ACARS screen...
335500   Military aircraft attempting to obtain IFR clearance from center had communication di...
335501   Dispatch to airport forecasting below CAT I minimums, but above CAT ii minimums for r...
335503   Training flight with two separate altdevs. Instructor had low time in aircraft and st...
335505   Instructor pilot report regarding emergency landing due to oil line not connected pro...
335507   The flight crew overcame takeoff EPR reference error on maximum gross weight takeoff ...
335510   The flight crew with an inoperative reverser could not determine from appropriate com...
335511   The flight crew was given an ambiguous and late holding clearance. The instruction wa...
335514   Instructor pilot report regarding close proximity of traffic landing opposite directi...
335515   Commuter flight in an EMB120 encounters WX between their position and the airport whi...
335516   Cargo aircraft on stadium visual to lax has leading edge flap problem, overshoots fin...