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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2003, 735 total |
599067 B767 enters holding in wrong direction during runway change at sfo.
599069 An MD80 captain reported that one of his flight attendants, continuing the flight fro...
599073 S80 landing lga missed ATC assigned turnoff resulting with a go around.
599074 A B767-300 in cruise at FL370 declared an emergency and diverted due to left hydrauli...
599075 A B757 captain reported that an altitude excursion occurred in mia's airspace due to ...
599077 B737 on visual approach to mia runway 8, experiences conflict with parallel traffic t...
599084 A B757-200 in initial climb at 2000 ft experienced a jolt followed by the autothrottl...
599086 B737-300. ZOB radar controller questioned the flight crew's descent from FL280. The f...
599093 Gulfstream G100 crew improperly descended from 4000 ft toward 2000 ft for approach to...
599095 Altitude excursion by a BE9T during communication failure contributes to a loss of st...
599100 North american B25 crew lost the ability to communicate on either VHF radio or commun...
599101 An airbus 319 was dispatched in non compliance with work accomplished and the logbook...
599103 A B737 captain was not notified that an oxygen bottle had been loaded until after dep...
599108 Air carrier B757 PIC report on an alleged violation of far 121 pt 369 by his company ...
599109 An air carrier B757 PIC complains of company attempting to schedule him for flts in e...
599115 B767-300 crew taxied off the taxiway into a grass, muddy area when turning into the r...
599119 An MD80 experiences turbulence that led to a cabin attendant injury.
599123 C182 pilot had a runway incursion at sna after he taxied onto a runway after being cl...
599129 A BE400 first officer forgets the washington tfr procedure and switch the transponder...
599134 Wrong runway takeoff by a PA24 private pilot at grr, mi.
599137 When an ill passenger is reported to be comatose the PIC decides on a diversion to la...
599139 Ramp operation. The left wing of an MD80 flight is damaged when contacting a catering...
599142 An arriving B767 receives a map shift that occurred on approach to skbo, first office...
599163 AA5 experienced brake failure and crossed runway hold line while taxiing at vgt.
599169 A PA46 malibu pilot suffers the loss of aircraft control and a runway excursion durin...
599170 An MD83 was dispatched in non compliance with a main landing gear tire pressure out o...
599179 An MD80 flight suffers a gear indication problem that is resolved after a go around a...
599184 A landing MD80 right landing gear is reported by tower controller to be smoking exces...
599185 A crj-700 at gate, ground crew reports unable to latch forward cargo compartment door...
599186 An E135 flight crew performs a no flap landing after receiving a flap fail indication...
599187 Ont tower controller experienced possible loss of separation between 2 arrs.
599188 Frequency congestion created a condition for an ATR72 PIC on initiating an ILS approa...
599192 PA34 departure from mdw expressed confusion with C90 class B clearance.
599194 A low time C182 pilot departs omn on a MVFR night operation, while en route is IMC in...
599196 M20R, departing sch, unable to obtain class C VFR penetration clearance due to alb TR...
599208 A TCASII RA is issued on traffic for a B777 that had descended towards the wrong alti...
599210 An embraer 145 on first flight check of fire warning detection system test immediatel...
599213 Conflict between a descending C208 and an unknown GA aircraft near the traffic patter...
599224 B757 flight crew landing without clearance at den.
599225 A parking MD82 is alleged to have blown a wbd cargo container off its trailer near th...
599226 An airbus 319 green system hydraulic pilot valve was replaced with no maintenance man...
599231 A320 initiates wrong STAR for oak at FL190.
599246 A PA46-500 ATP pilot confesses to losing 600 ft of altitude during his endeavors to e...
599249 A beech 300 climbing through FL310 lost cabin pressure and made an emergency descent ...
599251 A departure beech jet flight crew overshoots their assigned altitude of 4000 ft durin...
599253 B737-300 flight crew overshot new RNAV SID restrs departing las on first day of imple...
599257 A B737 flight crew aborts their takeoff when the crew hears the aircraft confign warn...
599262 A low time C182 private pilot runs into bad WX conditions, picks up icing, runs into ...
599266 A CL65 flight crew experiences an near midair collision with a navajo beneath them wh...
599271 B737-700 flight crew overshot new implemented las RNAV boach SID. First officer quest...
599285 An LR35 PIC's report on an emotional outbreak by the first officer creating a traumat...
599294 BE36 pilot cleared for visual approach to pdk and changed to tower for sequence to ru...
599295 A C210 CFI is distraction with the operation of his LORAN and suffers an altitude ove...
599296 DC9 crew receive a clearance ZAU ARTCC meant for another flight with a similar call s...
599301 A C421B CFI goes IMC in VFR flight at 300 ft MSL when departing teb, nj.
599304 B737-500 crew did not set qne at the transition level. As a result they leveled out 4...
599311 An MD88 flight strays away from the approach course for runway 26R during the PIC's a...
599312 A fouga 170 landed with gear in retract position incurring damage to the lower belly ...
599318 Altitude overshot when a B737-400 flight crew sets the wrong altimeter setting for a ...
599319 Crew rest seats on the B767 used in extended range operations are criticized as inade...
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