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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2003, 735 total |
599816 L31 transposes las clearance SID procedure due to printing out-of-date sids prior to ...
599842 B767 flight crew crossed runway without clearance at sfo during repositioning operati...
599852 Instructor and student pilots of C172 penetrate dc ADIZ on dual cross country.
599854 A king air 200 pilot inadvertently descends below minimum altitude. When the pilot di...
599855 A B737 flight crew receives an unclr clearance which almost leads to an altitude devi...
599856 A B737 flight crew is cleared for a visual approach into bur. The flight crew receive...
599857 A B737 flight crew have to take evasive maneuvers to avoid an acrobatic aircraft that...
599860 A BD700-1a10 global express maintenance manager reports several failures of plastic o...
599867 A BE36 single pilot on an IFR flight plan, maneuvered based on the GA version of TCAS...
599872 A BE20 single pilot reported being below tul's MVA, which prevented him from receivin...
599879 An air carrier dispatcher reported that the flight departed without the captain's kno...
599891 An air carrier dispatcher reported that the vendor for his air carrier's navigation d...
599898 Westwind I crew did not comply with the first crossing restr on the tralr RNAV one si...
599909 A319 crew flew the aaces 2 SID departing las. The departure controller expected the c...
599912 A C560 captain reported taking evasive action when in S46's airspace.
599914 A B737-300 lost cabin pressurization at 33000 ft, resulting in an emergency descent a...
599915 A PA18 single pilot attempting to depart bke's runway 35, caught his coat sleeve on t...
599918 A PA28 CFI reported that his student, on a solo cross country, had a close encounter ...
599922 B727 captain, giving IOE to the first officer, had an altitude deviation after the IO...
599927 An MD11 was dispatched in non compliance with the #1 FMC deferred as inoperative in c...
599941 An air carrier dispatcher reported that his company called him in to work, which he a...
599951 A CL60 wing contacted the ground while attempting a go around due to windshear.
599953 A CFI with a student are informed by us customs that they are in violation of the was...
599975 BE190 captain was instructed to alter another crew's maintenance write-up so as to be...
599979 A wbd transport overwater flight was canceled due to a leaking brake deferred per the...
599981 A B737 flight crew noticed that the oxygen bottle level was decreasing resulting in a...
599982 B747-400 crew taxied off the hard surface when the tower controller told the crew to ...
599986 A320 on short final runway 27L at ord expressed concern regarding tight spacing with ...
599989 An airbus 320 in cruise at FL330 diverted due to ECAM 'hydraulic yellow reservoir low...
599990 EMB145 captain initiates a go around at 1000 ft, runway 27, bos as the local controll...
599993 An MD80 experiences unexpected severe turbulence resulting in a cabin attendant injur...
600003 ZNY controller is frustrated with lack of coordination with iad reference WX conditio...
600004 Phl controller vectoring several aircraft lost required separation.
600009 Air carrier safety inspector criticized the crew for not having a stabilized approach...
600011 B737-300 crew did not go to the waypoint they were cleared to.
600015 Air carrier dispatcher is not able to flight plan properly due to excessive release w...
600027 EMB145 inbound for lga descends without ATC clearance, similar call signs.
600032 An A320 flight crew have to take evasive action to avoid a B737 that lined up on the ...
600039 A B737-300 captain reported that sct's unwillingness to issue an approach clearance t...
600044 New controller expressed concern with restr tower visibility due to faulty defog equi...
600055 A super king air 300 has a propeller strike on a taxiway light at night at bos.
600056 LR45 first officer is confused with ramp control instructions and available taxiway i...
600063 A B737-700 loses cabin pressure at FL410 resulting in an emergency descent and oxygen...
600064 B737 landing las encounters crosswind, executes missed approach and conflicts with de...
600066 A C182 pilot, making assumptions from the previous day, landed on the wrong runway at...
600080 Sav approach controller concerned with hxd localizer DME runway 21 OTS for extended p...
600083 A B737-700 was dispatched in non compliance with 1 incorrect nose tire installed.
600084 A300 flight crew, landing runway 17, liph, notice that runway edge lights on first 10...
600088 An erj flight crew notice the fueler starting to fuel the aircraft before the flight ...
600091 An MD80 flight crew, while shooting a fully automated approach with autothrottles, ex...
600107 DH8A crew ignored the GPWS 'sink rate' warning when landing in severe turbulence and ...
600109 A B737-200 was dispatched in non compliance after a 'B' hydraulic electric pump flexi...
600111 A PA32 pilot has a nose gear failure resulting in the propeller striking the ground.
600114 ZOB controller experienced loss of separation at FL310 during descent.
600118 B767-300 crew was unable to get proper crew rest in a flight over 8 hours after the c...
600123 A C172SP landed behind a 7ECA stopped on the runway performing stop-and-go for traini...
600129 An A320 captain declared that his aircraft was rvsm qualified when flying in ZMA's ai...
600130 A lear 60 flight crew become distraction with an anti-ice system check anomaly during...
600138 B757-200 captain had the advisories to the flight attendants and passenger, not come ...
600148 B737 departure from elp given numerous ATC instructions during critical flight phase.
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