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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 1998, 698 total |
396833 A DH6 skydive pilot flew near an instructor and his student in an effort to alert the...
396835 A B737-300 in cruise at FL310 attempted to clear an inertial reference system fault b...
396840 Air carrier B737 undershot assigned altitude of 11000 ft by 800 ft due to wrong altim...
396847 An ATR72-2RA on landing rollout the propellers in reverse developed asymmetrical thru...
396849 A cpr G2 flight crew taxied into a merlin when they forgot to turn on the hydraulic p...
396850 A commercial fixed wing aircraft while parked at a gate was damaged by an overturned ...
396851 An air carrier B757 flight crew had a major electrical failure below their V1 speed a...
396853 An A300-600 flight crew gives the wrong ETA for 30W to gander radio. Information was ...
396859 An instructor pilot acting as a sales representative has the left engine's turbocharg...
396860 Reported situation of reporter's B727 abort takeoff on runway 27L after observing a B...
396870 Flight crew question controller about clearance to climb back to FL310 while in desce...
396873 A jetstream 32 on approach at 2500 ft declared an emergency due to loss of all hydrau...
396874 B747 aircraft en route on oceanic route got off course due to erroneous navigation co...
396879 B747 aircraft in climb was 300 ft low meeting crossing restr and shortly after leveli...
396880 Small transport air carrier PIC disputes intent of ATC clearance as stated by TRACON ...
396890 A government flight crew in an small transport overshot the turn to final during a ci...
396900 Medium large transport air carrier flight crew conducted an IFR approach and landed w...
396910 An air carrier BE02 flight crew notice that a fuel cap was loose during takeoff. They...
396911 During takeoff roll, B767 flight crew observe small aircraft taxi onto runway at one ...
396913 A PA28 pilot lost oil pressure during a cross country flight and he landed at a nearb...
396914 Atx small aircraft pilot skidded off runway without passenger injury or aircraft dama...
396920 An atx pilot flew a C207 that was overdue for a 100 hour inspection to a maintenance ...
396921 An air carrier casa 212 flight crew rejected their takeoff when the captain decided t...
396930 Small aircraft pilot received and acknowledged taxi and hold short of runway instruct...
396931 B747-200 aircraft taxiing at foreign airport with first officer taxiing, turned too s...
396932 2 small aircraft's come within 200 ft vertically when landing traffic flies over a C1...
396938 A commercial fixed wing large transport while being guided onto a gate struck a parke...
396940 An air carrier B757 flight crew misunderstood a controller's instructions and started...
396941 Near midair collision between a B727 turning final and a BE35, crossing underneath to...
396946 Pilot of a bw-AX9B balloon was forced to land on the side of a high steep mountain af...
396950 First officer of a B767 misset FMS during an arrival STAR resulting in exceeding a sp...
396960 Flight crew of a cpr 3 engine executive jet overshot descent altitude by 500 ft due t...
396970 A part 135 turboprop used its GPS for an IFR operation when it was not certified for ...
396980 Flight crew of an medium large transport made a missed approach due to false GS indic...
396981 Captain of a cessna citation V C560 allowed the aircraft to descend below assigned al...
396990 A B737-200 was operated several days in revenue service with an open unanswered logbo...
396993 Captain of a learjet 35A failed to make a SID departure turn during climb due to conc...
396996 ARTCC radar controller received an IFR departure clearance request from oakland FSS f...
396997 Flight crew of medium large transport departs with 1 air conditioning pack inoperativ...
397000 Reporter captain with a cargo carrier faults his company and the united states govern...
397003 A beech E90 after servicing the medical oxygen tank and prior to removal of the servi...
397008 A B747-100 flight crew on takeoff at 100 ft experienced heavy fuel fumes in the cockp...
397010 Flight crew of a super MD80 failed to intercept the outbound course over a VOR arriva...
397015 An air carrier DC9 flight crew responded to another's clearance and were corrected, b...
397016 Flight crew of an air carrier medium large transport failed to turn as assigned by de...
397021 An MD80 in cruise at FL290 experienced the left wing upper surface composite panel fo...
397022 A canadair regional jet in cruise at FL310 declared an emergency and diverted due to ...
397023 A B737-300 #1 wheel and tire is found to be missing from the aircraft after the fligh...
397025 Pilot of a beech sierra, BE24 lost all radios while on an IFR flight plan in VFR cond...
397029 Flight crew of a DC9-30 declared an emergency and diverted to land after hearing an e...
397032 Flight crew of a super MD80 declared an emergency due to minimum fuel caused by unexp...
397036 Flight crew of B727 exceeds the flight time in 72 hours due to company pressure and r...
397040 Flight crew of a fokker 100 overshot descent STAR crossing altitude due to a misunder...
397045 A B727-200 on takeoff had the right inboard main landing gear tire and wheel assembly...
397047 Passenger on a B767-300 is arrested after landing due to becoming unruly, with abusiv...
397050 Flight crew of an light transport question the reference point from which to use in t...
397052 A beech 1900D on takeoff at 400 ft AGL declared an emergency and returned to the fiel...
397054 Due to landline confign problems between TRACON and tower, TRACON controller issued m...
397057 Pilot of an atx C414 lost control of the aircraft during taxi after landing due to ic...
397060 Flight crew of a cpr executive jet climbed in response to another similar sounding ca...
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