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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for July 1997, 731 total |
373361 A C210 prior to landing had to recycle the landing gear to get correct down and lock ...
373368 ARTCC radar controller alleges his radar scope malfunctioned due to excessive heat in...
373393 A controller in the jump seat of an air carrier MD80 witnesses an near midair collisi...
373395 An employee of an air carrier was detected at the security chkpoint with a firearm in...
373400 An air carrier flight crew accepted another air carrier's clearance as their own and ...
373402 BAE3100 aircraft taxiing out of parking spot and under guidance from marshaller hit w...
373403 An MO20 pilot starts a descent to minimums prior to crossing the final approach fix a...
373407 A B727-200 at FL270 diverted due to complete loss of 'a' system hydraulic pressure an...
373410 An ATR42 on takeoff at 300 ft AGL returned to the field due to loss of #1 engine oil ...
373420 Flight crew of WW24 misinterprets clearance to be airport rather than VOR of same nam...
373430 A B727-200 lands at plch and has trouble obtaining clearance to fly from ARTCC. Fligh...
373443 An air carrier MD80 flight crew was given a crossing altitude and speed at 'fever,' b...
373450 Flight crew of B737-200 climbs to altitude on pre departure clearance amendment which...
373452 A DC9-30 in cruise declared an emergency and diverted due to smoke and electrical fum...
373453 A DC9-32 in cruise declared an emergency and diverted due to loss of oil in #1 engine...
373459 An air carrier MD80 flight crew report receiving undue pressure from an approach cont...
373460 An air carrier MD80 flight crew slow, apparently in response to turbulence, and were ...
373462 An air carrier B757 flight crew has the left hydraulic system lose its fluid during c...
373467 Near midair collision reported when C172 pilot turns inside the runway threshold and ...
373470 Reporter claims WX data sent from the RAPCON radar via the telephone line affects the...
373474 A C206 pilot, part of a 2 aircraft flight of skydivers with a C182 as lead, operating...
373476 A B757 air carrier flight crew climbs above their assigned altitude when they are ove...
373480 An air carrier MD80 flight crew were too low at the 2.5 DME fix during their climb ou...
373483 Aircraft #1 failed to report the FAF as requested and conflicted with aircraft #2 on ...
373484 A student pilot on a solo flight enters class B airspace without authority/authorized...
373487 Hot air balloon, tbw-FF7 attempted landing in 12 mph wind and hit power lines. Envelo...
373490 Medium large transport flight crew is given an altitude assignment and upon reaching ...
373492 An instructor and a student in a C310 were vectored to a final approach to runway 30 ...
373493 Commuter BA31 has a passenger who is boarded as an unaccompanied minor. She is actual...
373500 C172 pilot, a government aircraft taxies onto taxiway instead of holding short as cle...
373505 Instructor with student pilot on cross country flight in C152 have strong winds WX an...
373510 DC10-10 aircraft departing on SID failed to turn at specified fix. Departure controll...
373517 Ineffective interfacility coordination by approach facility tmu for arrival traffic s...
373525 A mooney 20E on taxi for takeoff was observed with a rudder gust lock installed.
373528 Reported situation of targets appearing as high speed primary targets tracking toward...
373529 Pilot deviation when flight crew misread the STAR and started a descent for an expect...
373530 LR35 aircraft on test flight for stall characteristics, flight crew requested and rec...
373536 A fokker 100 was dispatched with both engine reversers locked in the forward thrust p...
373537 Air carrier pilot uses non standard phraseology when using call sign resulting in the...
373538 A B757 aircraft on SID departure was cleared to a different runway for takeoff. Fligh...
373540 Local controller allowed a cessna to land on an occupied runway. The previous landing...
373541 Government military aircraft, practicing lndgs on short runway with crosswind, swerve...
373547 Combined position of operation with a PA32 holding in position, a landing PA28 on app...
373548 B737-500 aircraft taxiing to runway 11L failed to read note on airport diagram page t...
373550 B727 aircraft encountered en route WX on airway which necessitated avoidance. Because...
373560 Large transport aircraft took off without obtaining the final weight and balance info...
373563 A300 B4 aircraft omega navigation was in error en route. Flight crew realized it afte...
373566 C150 attempting takeoff from 800 ft strip with reporter calculating he would need 748...
373570 Medium large transport aircraft on STAR arrival failed to commence descent to make cr...
373579 DC9 aircraft after landing turned off onto taxiway which was not legal for aircraft w...
373580 MD80S aircraft while on vectors and altitude changes had TCASII RA. Reporter captain ...
373581 BE58 charter flight has problem on taxiway with no centerline lights and a runway lig...
373582 A B727 in cruise at FL330 required 2 units left aileron and 2 units left rudder to ma...
373590 Small aircraft aircraft on night training flight, distraction by erroneous fuel gauge...
373592 A commercial light transport declared an emergency and returned to the field due to f...
373595 An air carrier MD80 flight crew hit the wake of a DC10.
373600 B777 aircraft was given a heading change by departure controller after takeoff and to...
373601 BE55 pilot finds he is 60 ft above assigned altitude when given a new altimeter setti...
373609 Flight of 3 boeing A75's (stearman) during low altitude fly-by flew too low over spec...
373610 Widebody transport aircraft in descent, annunciators indicated normal operations for ...
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