377630   Flight crew of MD11 on oceanic flight inadvertently shuts off fuel to the #2 engine. ...
377935   A commercial fixed wing mdt was dispatched for 10 flts with the oil pressure indicato...
378960   A B757 aircraft flying in ZDV airspace experiences a rapid loss of pressurization. Du...
379122   DC10 aircraft had fumes in lower lobe galley that resulted in flight attendants becom...
379364   Reported situation of center sector approving BE36 overflt traffic from an msn approa...
382662   Charter light transport aircraft crosses runway without clearance. ATC shift change w...
383653   Small aircraft pilot flying from alaska to canada enters class B airspace without cle...
384563   MD80S aircraft with engine and wing anti-ice on and maximum continuous thrust selecte...
387511   An air carrier B737 hits the wake of a B727 during an approach. The reporter feels th...
394512   A dash 8 was returned to service with a damaged aileron rear spar.
398463   Reported loss of separation from apparent confusion when air carrier X, with clearanc...