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ASRS Reports for July 1997, 731 total |
373890 An air carrier B737 flight crew climbed above their assigned altitude.
373894 Reporter alleges the training received for lawrs backup and augmentation for ASOS was...
373902 Reporter alleges WX related traffic rertes into ZMP and czyz airspace was inadequate ...
373911 Flight crew of B737-200 fails to hold short as cleared. Tower then clears them to exp...
373914 Private pilot of an amateur built robinson sport, R2160, spontaneously did 2 aileron ...
373915 Atx pilot of a C421 failed to report an encounter with hail during letdown in light r...
373917 Private pilot of an small aircraft sel took evasive action by turning in order to avo...
373920 A mechanic reports a water separator duct clamp due to continuous use failed causing ...
373924 A brief encounter with severe turbulence during descent of an air carrier DHC8-102 ca...
373926 An air carrier flight crew misinterprets their clearance and descends below their ass...
373929 Captain of an FK10 was caught in a turbulent updraft while turning through a thunders...
373936 An air carrier A300 flight crew inadvertently switched to an incorrect frequency duri...
373938 An air carrier B747 flight crew executes a go around when they get above the GS while...
373940 An air carrier MD90 flight crew overshot their turn to final approach and got a TCASI...
373942 A 2 pilot crew on a test flight in a T28 got confused on who was flying and descended...
373949 An air carrier B757 hit unforecast severe turbulence and several passenger were injur...
373950 A cpr HS25 flight crew turned to the wrong heading during their departure when they r...
373953 A cpr flight crew in an light transport delays their TCASII reaction when they are co...
373955 Pilot of an small aircraft sel lost control of aircraft during landing, resulting in ...
373960 An air carrier MD80 forgot about a descent restr until an alert ARTCC controller remi...
373969 An air carrier mdt flight crew descended below their assigned altitude. An alert cont...
373972 An air carrier B757 flight crew had to make an instrument approach to runway 35 with ...
373980 A DC9-10 immediately after takeoff experienced an uncommanded roll to the right at 15...
373981 Instructor pilot during a dual cross country flight mistakenly entered an air traffic...
373984 An small transport helicopter pilot of an emt mission to a street pick up has propert...
373990 An air carrier MD80 flight crew had the captain misread the approach chart and ordere...
373992 A piper seneca P34 declared an emergency and landed due to being unable to restart th...
373993 Private pilot of a champion 76C-aa, slowed to help provide more distance between him ...
374000 Pilot of a complex small aircraft sel made a late go around to an uncontrolled airpor...
374006 Flight crew of an md super 80 climbed in response to a TCASII RA traffic of a light a...
374009 An embraer 120 on descent 8000 ft declared an emergency and diverted due to smoke in ...
374015 Flight crew of an light transport cpr jet lost communications with departure control ...
374020 Flight crew of an md super 80 forgot to reset the seat belt sign from 'automatic' to ...
374030 Flight crew of an large transport were given the wrong flight plan clearance by ATC p...
374051 An air carrier FK10 flight crew forgot their crossing restr while discussing a divers...
374060 FAA check airman aboard B757 discovers that first officer does not have his pilot cer...
374061 This TB20 pilot was wearing a 'coppertone' sun block when some of it got into his eye...
374065 An F10 flying in ZDC airspace has an uncommanded dive after altitude capture and lose...
374070 Pilot of a C177 inadvertently entered a restr area for which he received a NOTAM prio...
374073 A beech 1900D on landing approach experienced the landing gear fail to extend normall...
374077 A piper PA28 in cruise declared an emergency and diverted due to a recently rebuilt e...
374080 A commercial fixed wing large transport on climb out was directed by ATC to the corre...
374084 A mooney on takeoff roll had the landing gear handle raised instead of the flap handl...
374091 Flight crew climbed above assigned altitude in response to a TCASII caused by another...
374100 Captain of an SF340 mistakenly taxied onto a runway when he failed to follow taxi ins...
374104 A fokker 100 was dispatched with both thrust reversers locked in the forward thrust p...
374106 Flight crew of B727 has long takeoff roll later found to be caused by the anti-ice va...
374110 Pilot of a piper cheyenne 1, PA31T-1 cheyenne 1, PA41, overshot assigned altitude due...
374117 Near midair collision between a B737-300 on a final visual approach and a C210 crossi...
374120 Pilot of an small transport twin inadvertently lined up on a final visual approach on...
374121 ATCT local controller says that an air carrier B727 made a go around on runway 5L wit...
374122 Large transport flight attendant injury during descent due to turbulence.
374130 Flight crew of a B767 failed to contact the mid field ground controller at the approp...
374136 ARTCC radar controller tried to descend an air carrier B727 for traffic at same altit...
374139 A military C130 flight crew on a diplomatic mission was accused of not maintaining ra...
374141 Pilots of an small aircraft sel temporarily lost radio contact with ATC during an IFR...
374150 Both xponders of an air carrier MD80 not working. Controller was unable to track prim...
374151 ARTCC radar controller used wrong call sign and cleared an air carrier B727 to descen...
374152 Battery acid spill in medium large transport cargo compartment from a battery operate...
374153 Pilot of a piper aeronautical STAR 601, PA60, failed in an attempt to make a go aroun...
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