152862   VFR in IMC for small aircraft.
152863   Commuter light transport made an ILS back course approach to dlh with WX reported bel...
152864   Incorrect ATC instruction caused pilot confusion in traffic pattern.
152865   Runway transgression by small aircraft at bur.
152867   Air carrier widebody transport unauthorized runway crossing at sfo causes a takeoff a...
152871   Commuter light transport failed to observe higher airport landing minimums for less t...
152872   Small transport lands gear up at tcc.
152875   Military aircraft making touch and go's on intersecting runways came in close proximi...
152878   Forced landing for small aircraft.
152889   Cga on final complains about air carrier landing on crossing runway and makes broke o...
152893   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration of airspace.
152959   Flight of two military aircraft came very close to an aircraft departing from an unco...
152960   Small aircraft pilot experiences enging failure due to fuel starvation, glides to the...
152967   Small aircraft on practice approach opposite direction to landing traffic has near mi...
152971   Flight attendant indicates a noisy door during taxi. Indicator lights show no problem...
152973   Small aircraft pilot on IFR flight cruises 200' low because mode C on transponder mis...
152974   Small aircraft on IFR flight off centerline of V23.
152975   Air carrier widebody transport on military charter experiences pressurization and oth...
152978   Inexperienced pilot taxis across active runway at tfd without permission.
152980   Small aircraft on sightseeing flight penetrates jfk TCA.
152982   Inexperienced commuter flight crew commits heading and altitude deviations on approac...
152984   Air carrier was descended to an altitude occupied by another aircraft resulting in le...
153058   Low time pilot gets flight assist from cvs controller when pilot becomes lost and dis...
153064   Commuter small transport had too shut left engine down at cruise altitude because of ...
153070   Despite repeated traffic advisories, reporter flying an small transport over cma airp...
153073   Pilot of small aircraft helicopter lands in a rural field north of teb. Residents com...
153077   Small aircraft pilot on approach into fwa chases localizer needle due to erratic indi...
153087   Atx aircraft was cleared to land on a closed runway and threatened with FAA action.
153090   An arriving cga turned in front of an air carrier causing a conifliction. No traffic ...
153179   Small aircraft entering the traffic pattern has near midair collision with another ai...
153180   Complex, turbocharged small aircraft, VFR over mountain terrain, encounters WX at des...
153202   Air carrier large transport altitude deviation descended below glide slope outside th...
153207   Center frequencys became unreliable due to interference for 5 minutes.
153211   GA small aircraft was flying in luk air traffic area with a stuck microphone.
153213   Pilot of small aircraft departing cpw on an IFR flight plan is questioned about his h...
153219   Computer problem at center causes loss of all flight plans and data blocs resulting i...
153487   Air carrier widebody transport made a tight turn into the ramp area causing minor inj...
153488   Flight crew of medium large transport departing cvg flew wrong departure pattern.
153596   Twin engine aircraft on final approach. Engines quit, emergency landing.
153597   Small aircraft approach to wrong airport. Turns away, vectored to correct airport. Ha...
153599   Air carrier medium large transport speed deviation at cruise altitude.
153600   Pilot of small transport light twin cancels declared emergency and proceeds via filed...
153874   Arrival was switched when flight was close in. New arrival was pulled from book in ha...
153878   Close proximity air carrier-medium large transport GA-small aircraft in bwi arsa.
153881   Radar return in southwest quadrant has deteriorated due to building construction.
154239   Small aircraft freighter experiences electrical fire indications which disappear afte...
154241   High time pilot files VFR and then refiles IFR after airborne but forgets to cancel V...
154543   Small aircraft pilot unintentionally penetraes sea TCA.
155061   Clearance del fails to issued clearance amendment. Operational deviation.
301449   C-150 training flight has wake turbulence encounter, loss of aircraft control, hard l...
664843   A PA28 pilot reports moderate to severe turbulence with gust near dxr. He terminated ...