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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for December 1991, 555 total |
197875 Cpr small transport altitude deviation overshot crossing restriction on SID out of on...
197877 Last WX received by flight crew on approach was three quarter mi. Legal for landing, ...
197886 Flight crew of large transport type aircraft allegedly landed 200 pounds over allowab...
197891 Flight crew of medium large transport aligned with localizer for 36L at clt. Approach...
197897 Flight crew of large transport had TCASII TA. Queried controller if aircraft traffic ...
197899 Misinterpretation of holding fix spelling caused computer to come up with wrong holdi...
197904 First officer reporting indicates the flight crew may have been advised RVR was 1600 ...
197912 On cross country ferry of small aircraft aircraft PF VFR on top reached 12500 on top ...
197914 Flight crew of medium large transport taxied onto active runway. Landing medium large...
197917 Small transport has engine failure on liftoff, veers to right. Lands on grass paralle...
197918 Commuter has close proximity with medium large transport during vectors for approach....
197920 On NDB approach pilot of small aircraft fell out of the bottom of the overcast at 300...
197927 Reporter chose to go around rather than rely on aircraft Y to clear his runway in tim...
197930 Air carrier Y received TCASII RA to conflict with small transport X. Evasive action t...
197935 Air carrier medium large transport altitude deviation excursion from clearance altitu...
197936 Small aircraft enters ckb air traffic area without a flight plan. WX is IMC.
197938 Air carrier X climb to occupied altitude had less than standard separation from air c...
197945 Air carrier large transport unauthorized runway crossing at bos after landing.
197946 Small aircraft encounters ice, unable to climb to on top, declared an emergency.
197949 Air carrier large transport altitude deviation excursion from clearance altitude FL37...
197955 GA small aircraft VFR in IMC as night approachs.
197980 Commuter captain pulled the cvr circuit breaker for part 135 flts. Has now learned it...
197981 Air carrier captain claims he cannot comply with tower clearance to make a turn of gr...
197990 Commuter aircraft had near midair collision with medium large transport, both on visu...
197992 Air carrier large transport in-flight engine shutdown due to low oil pressure quantit...
197993 Decertified small transport was flown into tx from mex then seized by customs.
198001 GA small aircraft pilot declares min fuel on descent into crw and is met by FAA inspe...
198006 Air carrier medium large transport made a contact approach into buf. This type approa...
198008 On east takeoff from lax an air carrier widebody transport got a TCASII RA as they pa...
198009 Experimental aircraft has VHF reception problem on ground and low altitude. Tower fre...
198010 Access door to cargo compartment from lavatory to cargo compartment found ajar.
198011 Air carrier continues on CAT I approach at GS intercept when RVR decreases below mins...
198014 Air carrier on initial climb has TCASII TA, takes evasive action to avoid small aircr...
198015 Seaplane lands, encounters wake, porpoises. Aircraft damaged.
198039 Small aircraft pilot uses unicom frequency for communication when tower operating. La...
198046 Air carrier has malfunction of flight director, forcing go around.
198054 Air carrier large transport delayed making frequency change to ZDV frequency thus del...
198066 On arrival, received TCASII RA. Responded.
198068 Air carrier X unauthorized runway crossing followed wrong aircraft. Situation: poor t...
198069 Air carrier X taxiway excursion due to poor airport signage at sfo.
198076 Small aircraft makes extreme turn when autoplt engaged. Disconnect, then HSI fails.
198103 Localizer on ILS runway 8 at phx allegedly erratic.
198106 Air carrier xx unauthorized takeoff on multiple runway operation intersecting paralle...
198122 Reporter's comments about on duty firemen being used to fuel air carrier aircraft at ...
198198 Commuter light transport developed a fuel leak during climb out from swf. Diverted to...
198219 After being trapped on top by WX, non-instrument rated pilot files and flies IFR.
198301 Flight data controller failed to TRACON interfacility coordination inform departure c...
198304 First officer removes oxygen mask on capts return to cockpit but microphone selector ...
198305 GA small transport had radio problems in heavy ice.
198306 Captain reporting protests FAA inspector on flight not completing paper work.
198308 Pilot landed on runway 18 when cleared to land on runway 27.
198310 Flight crew of light transport in climb encountered traffic. Late clearance from TRAC...
198311 Unauthorized takeoff by commuter.
198312 Small aircraft landed on parallel taxiway instead of runway 11L.
198313 Cpr X had less than standard separation from cpr Y. Climb through occupied altitude. ...
198315 Wrong altimeter setting -- 30 pt 17 versus 29 pt 67. Noted by so and flight crew corr...
198317 Small aircraft is trapped by WX, diverts to an alternate.
198324 Flight crew of medium large transport had TCASII RA to descend. Descended from 10000 ...
198327 Altimeter setting changed prematurely to 29.92 after leveling at 5000 ft.
198337 Landed downwind on a slick runway and slid off the end.
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