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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 2008, 641 total |
791793 ZLC controller experienced host vs. Uret software anomaly that resulted in one aircra...
791797 A B757 engine nacelle struck a piece of ground equipment as it was being directed int...
791798 Cargo containers aboard B727 are located incorrectly resulting in cg location aft of ...
791814 ZNY controller voiced concern regarding required non radar applications; citing lack ...
791827 Two mechanics and an inspector were informed they had used an incorrect srm reference...
791834 An MD80 reports crossing the revue waypoint on the dca eldee arrival low. The flight ...
791835 An MD10 on localizer approach to san deviated below the charted altitude.
791836 Air carrier arrival to sfo between runways questioned runway crossing clearance; cros...
791845 Wind shear on short final to a grass strip causes pilot to reject the landing at low ...
791864 B757-200 flight crew declares an emergency and returns to departure airport for overw...
791865 An air carrier captain returned to the gate before takeoff because of aileron flutter...
791878 A small aircraft taxied across an active runway without clearance.
791879 Controller described an IFR separation event when one aircraft flew close to another ...
791884 A CRJ200 cargo fire bottle low pressure light illuminated. The crew declared an emerg...
791898 A B737-700 crew was erroneously told no MEL was needed when the center fuel tank pump...
791907 Small transport departure from iad described taxi incident when ground controller app...
791910 VFR aircraft inbound to mry questioned tower handling; alleging unprofessional and un...
791918 Distractions with other pushback traffic causes miscommunication between captain and ...
791928 An air carrier pilot describes a state of fatigue so deep that he did not realize unt...
791944 An air carrier pilot suggests all pilot's attention be on taxi tasks while in the run...
791962 Air carrier flight crew is flummoxed by confusing and apparently contradictory route ...
791964 Air carrier flight crew fails to note revised SID on pre departure clearance.
791975 An air carrier aircraft arrived at its destination and found the airport light system...
791987 Stl tower controller expressed concern regarding lack of coordination by T75 controll...
791989 An air carrier flight crew reports that; fatigued after a long day; the captain was t...
791994 A PA32 pilot departed a wrong runway after being rushed for takeoff; not copying ATIS...
791997 After being cleared to cross a runway by ground controller; a PA28 pilot was instruct...
791998 VFR departure from baf airport entered cef class D; alleging ATC frequency transfer w...
792002 YAK50 pilot on takeoff has seatbelt unlatch and prevent right stick movement on takeo...
792016 Local controller described airport vehicle runway incursion during runway check.
792026 Owner of LJ35 flies through cleared altitude while flying in the left seat under the ...
792027 ZFW controller expressed concerns regarding new operations procedures for gyi; listin...
792029 Private pilot of C172 states the stall warning horn is difficult to hear over the spe...
792037 Clt controller described conflict event on final at 4500 due to NORDO aircraft not re...
792038 Pilot of GA7 lands short of destination due to fuel starvation to both engines.
792045 While performing an engineering callout in md-80 tail compartment; an inspector notic...
792049 Air carrier first officer reports company engine out procedure is based on ilt NDB at...
792057 Captain of B737-700 determines load planning has loaded aircraft with cg beyond the a...
792058 ZBW controller experienced operational error at FL250 when failing to recognize devel...
792066 ZBW controller described extended time on position event; alleging staffing shortages...
792067 ZBW controller described extended time on position event; alleging staffing limitatio...
792073 E145 flight crew is advised after completion of flight that mechanics had failed to r...
792081 A B737 flight crew missed a san pre departure clearance lnsay two revision with a cle...
792097 A320 captain reports anp values higher than approach limits during VOR DME 2 runway 2...
792103 Autoplt failure and close-in runway change are precursors to taxiway and runway incur...
792105 C182 pilot landing runway 3 at mkc exits onto runway 1 which is notamed closed for ta...
792108 A flight mechanic explains his company's practices and procedures that contributed to...
792109 ZZZ local controller described operational deviation when departure aircraft used two...
792117 Lnk controller described taxiway incursion event; reporter indicating multiple same t...
792122 ZNY controller permitted aircraft to enter adjacent airspace at other than expected a...
792135 Fatigued B767 first officer initiates shut down of left engine vice right as commande...
792138 Gii first officer reports steering malfunction on taxi out due to improperly installe...
792145 Mechanic notes he may have misjudged a stall report from a flight crew and did not pe...
792150 An MD80 dpted depressurized with the cabin altitude control lever not completely lock...
792152 An air carrier pilot reports dfw tower authorized his aircraft to land with 17 to 20 ...
792156 Due to conflicting input; an MD80 crew flew an aircraft that had one main mount tire ...
792179 An IFR PA28 lost communication 10 min after takeoff. At night but VFR; the pilot retu...
792180 A CE560 pilot explains events leading up to a low fuel landing. Step climbs on depart...
792186 An A319 pilot reports the CRT's are unreadable in daylight conditions due to their di...
792188 An air carrier aircraft in position on mia runway 26L was told to clear the runway at...
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