450520   B757 crew had track deviation at bos.
450524   Under self-imposed pressure, a aircraft manager attempted to perform maintenance on h...
450525   Small aircraft pilot flew VFR in IMC, entered ccr class D airspace without clearance,...
450540   Air carrier delays descent because of reported traffic too long and is unable to make...
450542   A maintenance crew was taxiing a B737 from the hangar to the terminal and crossed the...
450547   A C172 pilot experienced a rough running engine and landed as a precaution at bur.
450550   Air taxi crew lands on runway that was determined later to be too short for their ope...
450551   Air carrier returning to land after a bird strike follows the wrong aircraft in the t...
450555   Air carrier cleared for charted visual approach lands on runway shortened by construc...
450564   B757 altitude deviation arriving den.
450566   BE1900 pilots have aircraft control problems after taking off without deicing aircraf...
450568   Fatigued DC9 pilot loses situational awareness during unstable approach but is aided ...
450570   An air carrier flight crew flying MD80 fails to maintain altitude as assigned by ZKC ...
450574   Reporter complains of blind spots for radio traffic at abq in SA227.
450590   B737. After landing, a crew is told to exit runway at a taxiway only 4000 ft ahead, o...
450591   DC9-50 wingtip struck fuel truck during gate parking causing damage to the wingtip na...
450592   A low time piper pilot experienced vapor lock while changing fuel tanks, causing the ...
450595   A low time private pilot was asked to back taxi on runway 30 by the ground controller...
450597   An F100 captain was warned by N90 and hpn tower of an aircraft maneuvering on the fin...
450598   Flight attendant report, B757, lga-mia, epileptic passenger had seizure, passenger md...
450600   Air carrier has flameout at initial approach fix. Engine restarts.
450601   An air carrier flight crew flying a B727 at dov reports confusion between the flight ...
450609   An F100 first officer experienced a #2 engine rollback to flight idle. 5 mins later, ...
450610   Medium large transport crew had APU fire warning.
450620   A boeing 737-400 flight crew questions the safety of a runway reassignment which requ...
450627   EA32 crew turned onto a closed taxiway.
450629   B727 crew undershoot cleared altitude.
450635   A B727-100 during preflight inspection found the #1 engine throttle binding caused by...
450637   B737. Controller got 2 aircraft mixed up, and issued clearance for the wrong one.
450640   A DC9 flight crew received a TCASII RA on departure from grb.
450691   A B757 flight crew had 2 high altitude cabin pressurization failures on departure fro...
450693   A B767 flight crew assumed they would receive a heading and failed to fly the cleared...
450695   A C210 CFI report on fuel contamination at ZZZ airport, us.
450700   A B737-700 flight crew flew through the assigned route near phl.
450710   An ercoupe pilot encountered a crosswind on landing and departed the runway at jxn. T...
450711   Pilot of a cessna 208B complains of harassment over skydiving flts operated in accord...
450718   Small transport with gear indication difficulties lands rsw safely.
450719   C152 pilot was ignored when he attempted to obtain clearance into tol class C airspac...
450720   B757 crew made a go around when tower cleared aircraft into position ahead of them.
450722   Small aircraft pilot had track deviation departing dal.
450727   MD80 crew had a double TCASII RA on descent into lax.
450729   DC9 crew with similar call sign tries to sort out clrncs between controllers and othe...
450730   Mdt at ZZZ fueler left fuel door open and fuel cap off as pointed out initially by a ...
450731   A320. Flight attendant was injured in light turbulence.
450768   Flight attendant, S80, ind-dfw, child had seizure, turning blue. Passenger nurses and...
450810   A civilian ground observer report on a possible near midair collision between 2 airli...
450813   Taxi mechanic had trouble around the area closed for construction at ord.
450815   Sju controller concerned with new equipment, flight progress automated system, perfor...
450817   A PA32 atx pilot taxies his aircraft off a taxiway into a raised helipad during a nig...
450819   Flight attendant report, DC10-30, ord-hnl, acrid, intermittent electrical burning sme...
450820   First officer, PF, in a C560 citation V overshoots his assigned departure altitude 4 ...
450821   An air carrier flight crew comes within 300 ft of an approaching BE1900 while on a vi...
450824   A descending B747-200 is nearly broadsided by a foreign air carrier crossing left to ...
450826   An experienced, but low in time in type, C402 air taxi pilot improperly lined up on r...
450830   An experimental pilot, NORAC traffic, lands his aircraft without landing clearance at...
450831   A B727-200 has to hold clear and avoid a fast taxiing B737 when the B737 crew fails t...
450834   A charter pilot report on ATC refusal for him to substitute his onboard GPS for an OT...
450840   An SA227 flight crew on a training mission overshoots their published missed approach...
450842   A BE1900 crew return land at fwa when their fire warning system gives mixed signals.
450843   An SF340 flight crew diverts to bos after learning that the WX at their destination a...