83608   Air carrier large transport flight crew forgot to make aircraft log book entry follow...
83610   Complaint about cross reference of items in commuter light transport MEL.
83613   ARTCC radar controller gave the wrong altimeter setting and later corrected after the...
83616   Small aircraft crossed active runway without authority, causing air carrier on takeof...
83639   Uncontrolled airport aircraft on final did not report position. Forced to go around a...
83673   Taxi out from gate, left wingtip struck light standard.
83676   Medium large transport air carrier PIC experienced difficulties receiving and trackin...
83680   Large transport air carrier cleared to runway 36R via inner taxiway not instructed to...
83682   Read back clearance on interphone meant for another aircraft. Potential conflict resu...
83690   Flight crew programmed the FMC using the on board stored flight plan. Clearance was f...
83694   Reporter failed to cancel IFR flight plan with ARTCC.
83697   Military tower controller gave transient aircraft a button frequency change. Aircraft...
83698   Gear failed to extend on small aircraft amphibious aircraft. Gear down indicating lig...
83703   Near midair collision with small aircraft VFR. Evasive action climbing turn.
83726   Air carrier light transport had to be vectored to destination because flight crew did...
83728   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration of airspace. Entered san TCA at 2000' in D...
83733   Controller working combined position operation forgot to coordinate tower enroute fli...
83737   Conflict airborne between air carrier medium large transport and GA small aircraft.
83744   Minimum equipment list in error.
83754   Small transport cleared into position on runway at intersection with large transport ...
83755   Small aircraft entered adjacent facility's airspace at an altitude other than shown o...
83760   Potential conflict airborne between 2 opposite direction GA-small aircraft's.
83762   Air carrier medium large transport proceeded to use runway without clearance from tow...
83765   Air carrier-large transport has close encounter with military-fgt during climb to cru...
83768   Captain turned off mode C to conceal the fact that they had overshot their altitude d...
83770   Light transport taxied into position and hold on runway. Tower said wasn't cleared on...
83774   Aircraft encountered windshear just as the flare maneuver was begun. Right wing tip s...
83782   GA small aircraft forced landing when fuel was exhausted from left main tank. Right m...
83785   PIC of air carrier large transport complaint about having to maintain visual separati...
83801   Corp light transport involved in track deviaiton due to INS navigational problem with...
83804   ARTCC controller cleared wrong aircraft to climb creating less than standard separati...
83807   Air carrier captain complained about ATC handling by both approach control and tower ...
83809   Gear doors on air carrier medium large transport remained open after gear retraction....
83824   Cabin attendant injured when moderate turbulence encountered during descent into roa.
83825   Air carrier captain expresses concern for the separation standard used by the tower d...
83826   Flight crew was confused about where to make their turn onto base leg for a visual ap...
83835   GA small transport unauthorized penetration of airspace sea TCA.
83836   ATCT local controller had large transport taxi into position and hold with small tran...
83845   Aircraft given wrong clearance by clearance delivery, TRACON didn't catch error, but ...
83853   Medium large transport takeoff 5000 pounds too heavy for the runway selected.
83863   Large transport climbing out of rsw had near midair collision with small aircraft.
83886   Small aircraft on VFR flight, no flight plan enters TCA without clearance.
83887   Penetrated the floor of TCA without clearance.
83888   Reporter taxied onto active runway and an aircraft took off and flew over her.
83889   ATC-small transport altitude excursion resulted in less than standard separation from...
83898   Air carrier medium large transport dispatched under minimum equipment list. Problem l...
83901   Aircraft encountered wake turbulence on approach.
83906   Less than standard separation when mlt Y is descended through the altitude of mlt X w...
83908   Taxi begun prior to company ground personnel release.
83923   Altitude crossing restriction not made.
83927   Engine failure on climbout, return land.
83932   Altitude overshot on descent when change in maintain altitude missed by the PF.
83934   Cleared for takeoff runway 12R. Made takeoff on runway 17 in error at hou.
83935   Picked up the wrong traffic when advised to maintain visual separation from medium la...
83937   Corp light transport busted SID restriction at karyn intersection on the pomona 1 SID...
83938   Tire tread thrown on takeoff roll resulting in abort and engine change for foreign ob...
83940   Large transport received caf clearance when ehe should have been given a full readout...
83942   Near midair collision on final approach. Night operation. Traffic advisory given.
83949   Near midair collision between corp mdt on approach and fgt on low altitude military v...
83950   Small transport turned wrong direction and created less than standard separation with...