93174   GA small aircraft unauthorized peretration of airspace.
93175   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration of airspace.
93182   Commuter light transport made takeoff after clearance void time.
93187   Medium large transport flew the wrong route.
93188   Fearing a conflict with another landing aircraft, large transport abandoned his appro...
93189   Air carrier widebody transport alleges poor ATC by sfo tower when running multiple ru...
93195   Close proximity air carrier medium large transport-GA helicopter in ind air traffic a...
93206   Close proximity sup air carrier-widebody transport GA-small aircraft east of lck.
93212   Taxi past hold line.
93213   Commuter flight crew issued citation for violation of federal aviation regulation.
93220   Cpr small transport wrong runway approach.
93221   GA small aircraft pilot concerned he failed to comply with federal aviation regulatio...
93225   Near midair collision between GA-small aircraft on ILS approach and GA-small aircraft...
93227   Agricultural spray activity.
93231   Altitude deviation, overshoot.
93232   Large transport aborted takeoff.
93234   Two tires went flat after arriving at ramp.
93236   Medium large transport crossed active runway 30R and then took off on runway 30L from...
93242   Engine failure after landing, fire on start up.
93245   Center controller allowed IFR aircraft to enter approach control airspace without pri...
93248   Widebody transport illegally flew oceanic trip with both HF selcals inoperative.
93250   Air carrier large transport misunderstood clearance and descended below assigned alti...
93254   Widebody transport encountered severe turbulence. Passenger and crew were injured.
93255   Air carrier light transport and air carrier medium large transport have close call wh...
93259   Air carrier large transport made takeoff before passenger briefing was completed.
93273   Air carrier light transport, on final approach course, had very close call with parac...
93276   Large transport taxied across active runway without clearance.
93277   Small aircraft runs out of gas and lands on highway.
93281   Medium large transport was cleared into position on runway 12R but taxied into positi...
93286   Atx small transport hit unmarked power line on approach to U05.
93293   NDB reported unreliable for 29 approach orh.
93302   Medium large transport has conflict with small aircraft that was descending VFR in IM...
93303   Cabin attendant standing during takeoff.
93312   GA small aircraft on non flight plan loses radio communication while in contact with ...
93318   Near midair collision and less than standard separation between 2 air carrier aircraf...
93320   Air carrier medium large transport with gear and flap problem deviated off localizer ...
93326   Confusion over direction of holding pattern caused by request for change due to thund...
93328   Penetrated air traffic area without clearance.
93329   Less than standard separation between two air carrier. Operational error.
93332   Local controller forgot medium large transport was in position on runway and had to g...
93334   Penetrated restricted airspace without clearance.
93342   Light transport and small aircraft have near midair collision on approach to ykm.
93344   Descending light transport has near midair collision with small aircraft northwest of...
93359   Heavy smoke develops in cabin of widebody transport. Captain decides to evacuate pass...
93367   Altitude deviation, overshoot. Aircraft equipment problem.
93372   Concern regarding safety compromises.
93374   Air carrier large transport flight crew complaint of nearly missing crossing altitude...
93380   Air carrier light transport cargo loaded improperly resulting an aft cg exceeding lim...
93384   Near midair collision.
93389   Air carrier large transport gear up landing at ord. Flight crew unable to extend by n...
93390   Near midair collision.
93393   Air carrier medium large transport penetrated R2501 while on authority/authorized WX ...
93402   GA small aircraft hit power lines on night approach into 77S or.
93403   Air carrier aircraft deviating for WX and poor coordination created a less than stand...
93405   Runway transgression unauthorized runway crossing.
93408   Less than standard separation when approach controller failed to apply visual separat...
93410   Widebody transport on an ILS approach and medium large transport on a visual approach...
93413   Small aircraft descended below minimums and made an unauthorized circling approach.
93422   Air carrier large transport may have missed an altitude crossing restriction when hav...
93423   Air carrier widebody transport with advanced technology FMC overshot crossing altitud...