319920   Captain of cpr jet took evasive action by descending after observing an aircraft at t...
319924   Flight crew of an light transport descended in response to a TCASII RA resulting in a...
319930   Flight crew of an light transport undershot a descent crossing restr.
319932   Pilot of a small transport lands gear partially extended when the gear fails to fully...
319940   Captain of an large transport overshot descent assigned altitude due to distraction a...
319942   Flight crew of an large transport failed to reset the altimeter while climbing throug...
319950   An air carrier medium large transport crew failed to set qnh from qne on descent.
319953   Airline dispatch circumvents ATC flow control WX delay by dispatching flight to anoth...
319960   Captain of an medium large transport landed short of the displaced threshold.
320023   During normal ILS approach, no different than thousands of previous ILS approachs in ...
320030   Captain of an mdt turboprop was delayed in starting engines requiring ground personne...
320036   Private pilot of an small aircraft sel lost control of the aircraft during landing an...
320037   Corp jet on vector for ILS runway 17 at jyo had an near midair collision with an air ...
320040   Pilot of an small aircraft sel misset the VOR radial and flew the wrong course result...
320048   Captain of a cpr jet complains about a departure clearance that sometimes allows less...
320057   Pilot of an atx small aircraft sel made hard landing causing the nosewheel to fold ba...
320060   Captain of a cpr helicopter inadvertently entered class D airspace.
320150   Fueler door panel in wing left open causing minor wing skin damage when the 'dust cap...
320154   Aircraft out of fuel -- forced landing with damage.
320160   Altitude deviation. Crossing restr not met.
320164   Aircraft equipment problem. Vertical gyroscope causing autoplt oscillation.
320168   In-flight encounter -- severe turbulence injury.
320169   Aircraft equipment problem. Engine shutdown loss of oil landed with low fuel.
320172   Low approach on simulated engine fail disturbed neighborhood called police.
320270   ATC controller questioned flight crew of an large transport regarding their assigned ...
320277   An air carrier captain put an unauthorized employee in the cockpit jumpseat and 'rece...
320280   Pilot of a cpr twin flew aircraft past the required inspection period.
320282   Aircraft equipment problem engine shut down due to loss of oil quantity and pressure.
320384   During training proficiency flying, the aircraft landing gear failed to completely ex...
320387   Flight crew on an light transport took evasive action in response to TCASII RA and th...
320390   Pilot of an small aircraft sel penetrated class B airspace.
320394   2 air carrier's in holing pattern at the same pattern at the same assigned altitude r...
320400   Flight crew of a widebody transport failed to hold short of the runway at the hold sh...
320553   Charter small transport lands at closed airport.
320610   Flight crew of an light transport failed to make assigned crossing altitude.
320612   Instructor pilot of an small aircraft sel during a cross country training flight dive...
320720   Ground crew deiced aircraft with water.
320971   Aircraft equipment problem. Windscreen spider-webbed.
321030   Aircraft equipment problem. Engine overspd over-torque.
321079   Small aircraft unauthorized penetration of class G airspace with operating control to...
321146   Helicopter unauthorized penetration of airspace class D had conflict with military C1...
321254   Mechanic failed in attempt to repair fuel leak.
321500   Pilot, a&P, reports of unsafe maintenance procedures of skydive operator.
321513   Low altitude civil operation by a hot air balloon during a 'dawn patrol.'
321849   Commuter flight crew departed without right outboard fuel cap in place. Aircraft equi...
321850   Wrong clearance delivered to flight crew. After departure ATC intervened with vectors...
322238   Improper location of WX reporting equipment ASOS.
322501   Wake turbulence encounter.
323930   Tower assigned student pilot landing clearance on runway with 17 KT crosswind (80 deg...
327086   Pilot of a foreign built military jet trainer failed to properly latch the forward ca...
328287   Unauthorized taxi after part 121 freighter is unable to contact ground controller acc...