309352   There is a philosophical difference of opinion between a TRACON approach controller a...
309354   B737 flight crew received an engine fire overheat light and bell warning. Emergency d...
309360   Reporter taxies toward wrong runway.
309361   Emergency evacuate/evacuation on runway.
309460   Small transport departs prior to IFR release time.
309462   Aircraft design problem first officer's seat back can pull circuit breakers when movi...
309466   Air taxi cargo flight has power loss on right engine. Return land.
309470   Medium large transport has clearance confusion on descent on STAR.
309608   The altitude alerter jumped 2000 ft below the 10000 ft it was set to mysteriously.
309611   Multiple pilot reports on flying an aircraft when it was overdue for scheduled mainte...
309614   Return land mandated by the cockpit crew escape hatch not being secured prior to flig...
309618   Flight crew report of airport information deficiency, no ATIS broadcast regarding any...
309619   Learjet aircraft damaged while training in progress. Aircraft flown back to home base...
309723   FAA questions mechanic's corrective action on pneumatic write up.
309724   Pilot dizziness and sleepy sensation causes return land.
309728   Publication deficiency -- air carrier mechanic followed the maintenance checklist tha...
309730   Runway incursion. Landing without clearance from tower.
309733   An small aircraft taxied into a parked truck.
309788   Traffic pattern deviation. Military pilot filed near midair collision complaint.
309959   Speed violation deviation.
309960   Flight crew deviates from assigned altitude.
309961   Pilot loses directional control of twin tail dragger on takeoff roll.
310070   Faulty navigation procedures lead to a track deviation.
310278   DH8 descent through occupied altitude had less than standard separation from another ...
310279   Air carrier Y had less than standard separation from atx X. System error.
310280   Visual interference to an air carrier aircraft while making an approach and landing o...
310424   C150 has faulty altimeter. On IFR flight training.
310425   Small aircraft taxiing into parking hits sign with wing.
310820   Landed without clearance.
310821   Bird strike.
311365   Reporter encounters wake turbulence from boeing 757.
311640   Nose gear collapse on touchdown.
312718   A maintenance inspector found that the wrong nose cowling was installed in the engine...
314343   Private pilot hits a parked aircraft with wingtip during parking. Minor damage to ope...
333700   A hot air balloon pilot landed his aerostar very hard. This may have broken bones in ...
336740   Crossing restr not met due to misprogrammed FMS and incorrect descent point calculati...