848548   A corporate jet descending on a STAR into slc experienced a TCAS RA. ATC indicated th...
848549   A corporate jet on vectors for visual approach to ont sequenced as number three follo...
848556   A final check engine inspector reports that for the past several years; PW4000 engine...
848557   After replacement of the number two aircraft battery during an A320 'a' check a maint...
848558   A pct controller described an arrival for dca that was issued a 'descend via' the eld...
848566   Multiple factors prevent a C172 floatplane from complying with ATC clearance to taxi ...
848575   A helicopter conducting training on runway 11R at tus experienced near midair collisi...
848579   A P180 flight crew had pressurization issues at FL350 and started down without cleara...
848588   A pilot approached UUU and discovered communication of CTAF frequency 122.8 was so de...
848593   A BE36 instructor took the aircraft from his trainee on short final because of a runw...
848596   Cl-60 captain departing dpa took evasive action when they received an RA on VFR inbou...
848605   During vectors for the ILS 8 at bur; air carrier flight crew experienced TCAS RA's on...
848609   A B767-200 dispatched with a left pack inoperative; had the right engine bleed trip d...
848612   A B757's right engine amber thrust reverser rev light illuminated at cruise altitude ...
848627   A md-80's cockpit door opened during takeoff and became wedged in the ceiling. Unable...
848630   A business jet encountered an A320's wake vortex 17 NM behind and 1400 ft above the t...
848631   Weight critical air carrier awaiting departure at dca described conflicting wind repo...
848632   A B737-800 crew refused an aircraft during preflight because the stabilizer trim was ...
848633   A md-80's airfoil ice prot light illuminated along with the left air cond supply temp...
848659   An air carrier pilot comments that the raas warning volume is too loud and interferes...
848665   Air carrier departing sfo runway 1R described multiple ATC takeoff clearance cancella...
848679   A B737 approaching ewr encountered undetected convective activity descending through ...
848692   A crj-50 first officer described receiving an APU oil pressure caution message that t...
848699   Air carrier ramp personnel did not know how to properly connect and operate air condi...
848710   An air ambulance king air first officer described noticing torque fluctuations on fin...
848711   Air carrier at FL370 with ZJX received a TCAS RA climb alert; after questioning ATC t...
848715   An A320's ECAM displayed various alerts during flight related to the fuel system and ...
848720   Air carrier at FL370 with ZTL received TCAS RA; part of a triple TCAS event in rvsm a...
848760   An air carrier pilot reports the loss of situational awareness caused by the raas sys...
848761   A raas system alert after landing interfered with an air carrier crew receiving runwa...
848770   Air carrier B757 captain reported water leaking from the galley into the cockpit; dri...
848773   A B737-300 captain reported unsafe gear indication after extension on final approach....
848783   A B757 air carrier captain reported his radar/TCAS indicator began smoking during pas...
848792   SF340 flight crew rejected their takeoff for windshear.
848808   Hs-125-800 flight crew received a reroute from ATC for weather that would have taken ...
848809   G200 flight crew experienced a runway incursion at lgb after landing while holding a ...
848821   An air carrier flight attendant described a fatiguing assignment that the reporter co...
848831   Two hot air balloon pilots and passengers in two balloons with advertising; launch ne...
848833   Pilot believes the use of both UHF and VHF communications at joint use airports prese...
848851   Upon landing; a single pilot of a cessna 150 realized the flaps would not retract aft...
848852   Pilot questions the wisdom of continuing to use both UHF and VHF frequencies at joint...
848865   B757 first officer reported thrust reverser unlock light 500 miles north of the depar...
848866   A B737-800's lavatory vacuum motor worked poorly on the ground. A contract mechanic a...
848876   Instructor pilot voiced concerns regarding ATC services by contract controllers at bz...
848885   A MD80 taxied without nosewheel steering after a ramp employee held up what appeared ...
848893   A PA-32 saratoga's mechanical fuel pump apparently failed and caused a power loss dur...
848910   A B767-300 captain reports two sliding windows had high voltage electrical connectors...
848919   An experimental aircraft's engine appeared to run rough. The pilot returned to land b...
848945   An air carrier international pilot related an incident involving a creeping delay bef...
848950   An unsafe gear indication on approach caused the flight crew of a B737-300 to go arou...
848952   B747-400 captain is informed after leaving the airport that while waiting for a gate ...
848956   An A321 captain's aoa heater failure was alerted on the ECAM. After selecting ADR3 th...
848959   Weather reroutes for an A319 result in a low fuel emergency declaration and a safe la...
848969   An air carrier captain reported falling asleep in cruise flight due to extreme fatigu...
848971   A crj first officer addresses multiple shortcomings of his airline's communications s...
848974   FAA inspector discovered a maintenance issues with a dash 8 propeller as the flight c...
848978   A G-200 returned to the departure airport after receiving a low hydraulic quantity in...
848980   A corporate jet flight crew reported receiving EICAS EFIS miscompare message shortly ...
848984   A flight attendant reports about finding another A320 with two main cabin doors; 1L a...
848987   ATR72 flight crew experienced a momentary engine oil pressure warning on departure wi...