666980   An MD80 technician reports a supervisor signing a non routine write-up initiated by t...
666981   A PA28 pilot reported that he failed to load and activate a revised approach procedur...
666985   An avro RJ85 was dispatched with the right main landing gear pinned. Installed for ma...
667127   A B757-200 flight crew report is vague about a door escape slide placard but no door ...
667131   MD80 procedures sent by maintenance control to station for known fuel problem not acc...
667132   B757-200 main landing gear trucks were lubricated with the wrong grease. Service bull...
667135   An MD80 technician reports checking the emergency escape lights and lens all found ok...
667150   An airbus 320 flap drive strut rod end was not connected properly causing an air retu...
667361   A B737-300 was dispatched with the #2 engine thrust reverser inboard blocker doors no...
667362   A B737-300 was dispatched with the incorrect remote electronics unit installed due to...
667364   CL60 departure from teb fails to comply with published procedures on dalton departure...
667365   A B737-700 had a maintenance check accomplished with conflicting documents. Type of c...
667367   A B767-300ER was dispatched with the incorrect vibration monitor installed. Reporter ...
667447   A B737-300 door escape slide latch cable was found incorrectly routed.
667448   ZDV controller describes ongoing failure to activate flight plans resulting in limite...
667450   A B737-400 incurred a lengthy delay due to fueling #2 tank with the fuel quantity sys...
667453   A glider pilot under tow northeast of cape cod (2b1); describes a near miss with a fa...
667462   N90 controller sequencing traffic for visual approachs for lga misspoke a clearance t...
667471   A deviation from the teb 5 departure procedure occurs when the crew misinterprets the...
667700   C152 instructor and student pilot perform an off-field landing due to fuel exhaustion...
667759   ZDC controller experienced operational error at FL230 when descending aircraft below ...
667897   ZDC controller experienced operational error at approximately FL360; as descent clear...
668111   An EMB140 left wing center tank drain valve was replaced with a tank entry. The requi...
668140   An EMB145 was dispatched after an auxiliary power unit replacement with tech's hand t...
668192   During the newly overhauled engine inspection; the inspecting technician found the pr...
668193   A B737-300 had both engines' thrust reverser sleeves hardware replaced. Released for ...
668663   A B767 was released from a heavy check with open repairs found during the check. Fore...
668664   Electrical smell in cabin causes diversion which results in windshear induced diversi...
668786   A B757-200 left overwing escape slide was inadvertently deployed by a technician open...
669471   B737-300 was dispatched with #2 engine thrust reverser inboard blocker doors not conn...
669553   An iai 1125 pilot confused about taxiway locations at mdw inadvertently incurred the ...
671133   Contract pilot of C402 cargo flight is met by FAA ramp inspectors who find the aircra...
671286   Phx controller expressed concern regarding staffing level contributing to ILS being b...
673663   ZDC controller expressed concern regarding new equipment.
673664   Cabin attendant struggles to prevent cust service agent from opening door on B737 pri...
673667   Tired from an early get-up and lacking recent experience aboard the A319; cabin atten...
673678   Cabin attendant is concerned about ticking noise of unknown origin in aircraft.
674836   A B737-300 had both fuel shutoff valves electrical connectors replaced. Technician re...
675671   The shop technician reports engineering department is not following the maintenance p...
678926   A saab 340 was dispatched with a leaking door seal when pressurized to 5 psi. Flight ...