1206876   A flight instructor describes the efforts of a student pilot and himself to manually ...
1206886   After completing the charted jaike RNAV STAR; given a vector and cleared to descend t...
1206891   C182 pilot reports being coerced into flying on a windy day by his chief pilot. Upon ...
1206911   A technician reports that ord airport has been allowing large regional aircraft; incl...
1206944   A captain taxiing into the crp air carrier terminal ramp on taxiway left was blinded ...
1206957   A320 flight crew reported they encountered an engine stall and returned to departure ...
1206982   During a pneumatic air start; a ramp employee alerts his ramp lead that the air hose ...
1206993   A captain and first officer report about uncommanded left yaw motions similar to chop...
1207005   A flight attendant reports the steps on the main cabin door of a crj-700 aircraft wer...
1207009   Pilot of an erj-170 aircraft explains the importance for maintenance to have a clear;...
1207032   Air carrier flight crew intending to land on runway 13L at bfi and cleared to descend...
1207137   After experiencing an near midair collision with a light aircraft arriving the same u...
1207144   Helicopter instructor experiences an near midair collision with a twin turboprop on f...
1207161   A80 controller describes a conflict in which he gives a sector a point out. The other...
1207224   B777 first officer is informed during a bathroom break that a flight attendant injure...
1207226   An A319 flight crew; descending via the hawkz RNAV STAR to sea and maintaining assign...
1207231   A320 captain discovers his ipad database containing charts and other necessary in fli...
1207258   B757 flight crew reports crossing kikkr high during the gibbz arrival to iad. The loc...
1207260   B767 first officer reports being delayed for an engine change and once enroute the le...
1207267   B737 flight crew experiences an engine overheat shortly after takeoff. QRH procedures...
1207273   B757 flight crew reports departing with an inoperative interphone/selcal chime. Enrou...
1207276   B737 captain reports being disconnected from the tow bar by the ground crew without i...
1207289   B767 flight crew experiences an uncommanded le slat extension climbing through FL230....
1207327   B767 flight crew experiences a hot start during pushback and terminates the start. Ma...
1207396   Air carrier captain laments the fact that london heathrow airport does not have its o...
1207440   Emb-175 flight crew reports being issued a holding clearance at valre at 11;000 ft. A...
1207466   A C-208 captain reported multiple physiological impairments following performing a re...
1207473   Center's failure to provide the planned landing runway when clearing the md-82 for th...
1207496   A commercial fixed wing flight into sun conducted a GPS X runway 31 approach to decis...
1207513   International flight attendant expressed her concern over an insufficient number of r...
1207622   Controller describes an aircraft; making a low approach at 500 feet while a heavy air...
1207662   A321 captain reported receiving a GPWS warning on HHOOD2 arrival into pdx. He express...
1207735   B777 flight crew described an inadvertent activation of the first officer's electric ...
1207992   A maintenance controller reports he missed a 'note' on an engineering repair order (e...
1208000   C182 pilot reports being unable to obtain an IFR clearance enroute to rac due an ATC ...
1208013   PA28 pilot on a right dowinwind reports a near midair collision in the pattern at mvy...
1208023   PA28 pilot cites the importance of clearing turns for avoiding conflicting traffic in...
1208050   A multi-rotor uas operator reported he does not believe he violated an FAA rules or r...
1208053   Gulfstream captain discovers after exiting oceanic airspace that the 2 NM slop has no...
1208377   PC12 captain experiences the loss of GPS signal; inside the FAF; on two consecutive R...
1208439   Pilot reports of a class bravo airspace violation in which he thought he had clearanc...
1208442   Non-instrument rated rv-9 pilot inadvertently entered IMC and became disoriented. Wit...
1208475   Private pilot experiences engine failure after 2 hours of flight with the fuel gauges...
1208890   B737-800 first officer reports being dispatched with inoperative autothrust with the ...
1209018   Grr approach controller describes a conflict of two aircraft and is concerned about w...
1209067   B737 captain reports arriving at the aircraft 29 minutes prior to departure due to tr...
1209188   A line aircraft maintenance technician (amt) describes how the lack of information in...
1209189   An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) and an aircraft maintenance inspector give t...
1209229   EC145 pilot; concerned about weather and the need to expedite departure; failed to no...
1210100   An instructor pilot describes an engine problem and successful diversion to the close...
1210446   Emb-145 captain reports being vectored to a visual approach inside the FAF and too cl...
1210690   Rv-7 pilot continued VFR flight into worsening weather until becoming VFR on top then...
1211020   Atl local controller described a conflict between two air carrier aircraft when an em...
1212370   MQ9 pilot reports turning the aircraft around to return to base; when the original mi...
1214769   The pilot of a multi-engine aircraft became aware of another aircraft in close proxim...
1216422   A320 first officer reported encountering wake vortex in 6 miles trail of a B757 on ap...
1231084   SR20 instructor reports a citabria taking the runway as he is about to land at an unc...
1331264   A md-83 captain reported returning to departure airport after inflight shut down of n...
1485667   Piper J5 pilot reported losing control of the aircraft after hand propping the engine...