860416   A VFR pilot landed his aircraft on pie runway 4 at night after receiving clearance to...
860421   Giv captain reports descending below 10000 feet at krain on the ILS 25L at lax. Neith...
860422   A corporate jet following a B737 experienced severe wake turbulence at 8000'.
860423   A CL65 captain refuse an aircraft with an inoperative flight deck communications syst...
860433   A mechanic reports he found out after the fact that he had applied the wrong type of ...
860446   ZID controller described near loss of separation event between two air carriers when ...
860458   A description discrepancy between the class B altitude limits on various ord airspace...
860501   EMB170 captain reports communications failure enroute on all three radios. Comm is es...
860535   A C172 instructor reported taking control of the aircraft as it was about to depart t...
860573   ZHU d-side controller described event when both he/she and the radar controller faile...
860574   Mke controller providing a skill check described a failure to properly point out traf...
860576   Sct controller described airspace incursion event when traffic entered adjacent airsp...
860582   Sna controller voiced concern regarding published phraseology; 'hold position' vs. 'P...
860602   A B737-300's fuel quantity system indicated that a dispatch fuel quantity of 13.8 was...
860613   Air carrier landing runway 28L at sfo was confused when told; 'following a B757 5 mil...
860662   A C402 pilot suffered the loss of all hydraulic fluid and successfully followed the a...
860675   A lead technician with inspection authority (ia) reports about the unprofessional beh...
860717   Student helicopter pilot experienced runway incursion at tix when failing to make app...
860721   Fai local controller described a very confusing event involving a number of snow remo...
860722   Enroute controller providing OJT on a d-side described an emergency event that result...
860727   Bur controller described event when sct failed to provide appropriate service to an I...
860732   Sgf controller described near airspace incursion event listing failed vigilance with ...
860733   Ads controller described event when a VFR departure aircraft failed to display a data...
860738   Sna controller providing OJT issued last minute go-around to traffic on short final f...
860740   ZFW controller described confused and complex hand off attempt to an adjacent facilit...
860742   Sct controller described a loss of separation event involving an A319 followed by a l...
860746   ZFW controller described conflict event between IFR dfw arrival and a VFR overflight;...
860749   Sct controller described conflict event when position relief briefing failed to inclu...
860764   A B767-300's ailerons were binding on the pre-takeoff control check. The aircraft was...
860766   A320 flight crew is dispatched with one pack inoperative and the second pack fails at...
860776   B757-200 captain landing lax voiced concern regarding helicopter traffic; inbound bet...
860794   CRJ900 captain reports unsafe nose gear indication during retraction. Gear extends no...
860810   B737-400 turning base; when the first officer pointed out the flap gauge was showing ...
860822   EMB145 flight crew was informed by an inspector after landing that the right hand eme...
860874   A B737-800 flight crew declared and emergency and diverted when a cockpit window suff...
860890   A B757-200 captain and first officer report a right engine amber reverser indication ...
860916   Enroute controller described an emergency event when an aircraft's turn instructions ...
860923   Maf controller providing OJT failed to note incorrect information utilized by the dev...
860926   Two ZSE controllers report a miscommunication that leads to a late point out of climb...
860930   Maf atcs reports minor loss of separation due to controller technique; situational aw...
860934   Communication miscue between pilot and controller leads to two aircraft thinking they...
860942   Atcs reports new runway crossing coordination strip procedure implementation is confu...
860950   Two harriers land with less than required IFR separation.
860952   Atcs reports aircraft crosses runway threshold and lands while preceding aircraft is ...
860953   Dwh controller described conflict event between IFR and VFR departures when the VFR a...
860954   Nct controller voiced concern regarding lack of staffing available during soia operat...
860956   P50 and phx tower controller describe go around event that was initially caused by a ...
860961   A90 controller described confused same company four digit flight number event; indica...
860963   ZAU controller described airspace incursion event listing a recent airspace change in...
860983   A320 flight crew reports runway incursion on runway 19L at sna; causing a light aircr...
860985   A B767-300 flight crew noticed an overwing escape slide warning light in flight at FL...
861034   Dash 8 first officer reports #2 hydraulic system failure after a tower directed go ar...
861051   An air carrier crew was issued a traffic alert by ATC on final to phx runway 8 at 3;0...
861053   A330 flight crew is issued a 'line up and wait behind landing traffic' but the captai...
861071   A CRJ700 flight crew lost control of the aircraft on landing roll and exited the runw...
861076   A B737-400 flight crew reported finding engine anti-ice had been left on after landin...
861080   An A319 crew experienced a dual FMGC lockup in-flight. Normal functioning was restore...
861081   A B757-200 captain and a first officer report not noticing language on a maintenance ...
861085   An A320 crew experienced an engine stall accompanied by a loud bang and an over tempe...
861089   A320 flight crew experiences grn hydraulic pr lo ECAM at FL380 after having the syste...