95458   Mechanic left oil cap off large transport during ramp service. Cap and service door m...
95461   Air carrier large transport fuel imbalance caused by improper fuel management by flig...
95555   Flight question about transmisometer requirements for CAT ii landing.
95556   Air carrier medium large transport vectored into WX by uncooperative approach control...
95558   GA small aircraft encounters in-flight WX with probable VFR in IMC and low altitude f...
95561   Pilot concern about safety of power source for lavatory smoke detectors.
95562   Air carrier mdt took evasive action to avoid collision with small aircraft at 3000' i...
95614   Near midair collision between commuter and small GA aircraft. Pilot deviation.
95615   Small aircraft on approach overtook and flew over another small aircraft shooting tou...
95695   Approach controller unable to read due to aircraft radio problem.
95696   Air carrier flight crew objects to taxi clearance phraseology which almost led them i...
95698   Penetrated restricted airspace.
96040   Close proximity commuter-light transport GA-small aircraft.
96439   Air carrier small transport shot NDB approach which is not approved in their operatio...
97125   GA small aircraft unauthorized penetration of phl TCA while on cross country flight u...
97296   Close proximity GA-small aircraft military-fgt in ngf air traffic area.
107934   Inadvertent taxi onto active runway. Aircraft on final. Ground requested pilot to tax...