
Autopilot was deferred. Normal takeoff climb and initial level-off at 13;000 ft. Upon further clearance to FL230; the first officer (pilot flying) attempted to initiate nose up horizontal trim. Trim did not respond; indicating 3.2. With positive exchange of controls it was determined that the captain's trim was functioning normally. Requested ATC to level climb to troubleshoot. Captain's trim then also became 'stuck' at trim setting for level flight. Advised ATC returning to the departure airport and declared an emergency. Captain's trim disconnected. QRH for horizontal trim malfunction was completed. Trim was not functioning normally. Trim would get stuck or move slightly without pilot input. Slowed aircraft and set desirable trim setting for landing. Trim was then disconnected and not used for remainder of flight. Crew reviewed and briefed QRH for stab trim runaway should it be required. Landed without incident.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A CRJ200 flight crew encountered a failed stabilizer trim system; declared an emergency and returned to their departure airport.

Narrative: Autopilot was deferred. Normal takeoff climb and initial level-off at 13;000 FT. Upon further clearance to FL230; the First Officer (pilot flying) attempted to initiate nose up horizontal trim. Trim did not respond; indicating 3.2. With positive exchange of controls it was determined that the Captain's trim was functioning normally. Requested ATC to level climb to troubleshoot. Captain's trim then also became 'stuck' at trim setting for level flight. Advised ATC returning to the departure airport and declared an emergency. Captain's trim disconnected. QRH for Horizontal Trim Malfunction was completed. Trim was not functioning normally. Trim would get stuck or move slightly without pilot input. Slowed aircraft and set desirable trim setting for landing. Trim was then disconnected and not used for remainder of flight. Crew reviewed and briefed QRH for stab trim runaway should it be required. Landed without incident.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.