
While flying aerobatic maneuvers; I experienced a near miss with a jet maneuvering between six thousand and seven thousand feet. Shortly after departing hnd; I proceeded to an area southeast of the lateral limits of the class B; approximately 20 miles southeast of the henderson airport. After a series of maneuvers; which included clearing turns; I proceeded to climb vertically. As I climbed; a jet passed below me; headed in a northwesterly direction. At the time I saw the jet; I could see that my momentum would take me over his flight path; however; the distance was unacceptably close. There is a high concentration of aerobatic activity in this area and I believe that there should be a caution placed on the las vegas sectional and tac chart. I will be contacting the FAA to start this process.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A pilot performing acrobatic maneuvers reported a NMAC in the area southeast of HND.

Narrative: While flying aerobatic maneuvers; I experienced a near miss with a jet maneuvering between six thousand and seven thousand feet. Shortly after departing HND; I proceeded to an area southeast of the lateral limits of the Class B; approximately 20 miles southeast of the Henderson airport. After a series of maneuvers; which included clearing turns; I proceeded to climb vertically. As I climbed; a jet passed below me; headed in a northwesterly direction. At the time I saw the jet; I could see that my momentum would take me over his flight path; however; the distance was unacceptably close. There is a high concentration of aerobatic activity in this area and I believe that there should be a caution placed on the Las Vegas sectional and TAC chart. I will be contacting the FAA to start this process.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.