
I was the [pilot flying] on [this flight] to clt. Cleared visual approach to and land on 18C; one a/C (aircraft) was on take-off roll; and a second one was in position waiting as we approached. The sitting a/C was cleared for T/O (take-off). We were getting close when he was cleared; but did not think it would be a problem; other than residual jetblast on the runway. He lifted off; we were good to land; and then the tower cleared another flight to cross runway 18C. We were I believe below 500 feet at that point. I couldn't believe it; and said to the captain; did they just clear a plane to cross our runway? Tower then made a second call to cross the plane. I did not hear the reply; but the plane was moving to cross on taxiway south; but could have been V4. Traffic landing on 18R uses freq 133.35; and runway 18C uses 126.4. Usually taxiing traffic is switched to the 18C freq; but maybe not this time. Never heard any answer from the crossing traffic. When the second call to cross came from tower; captain questioned it; but it was too late. It was time to go. We did a go around from about 200-300 feet AGL. Cleared to 4000 feet and turn to 270. Tower never acknowledged the mistake at issue; sent us over to departure. We cleaned up; set everything up for arrival; came back to runway 18C. And had a different controller when we came back.honestly uneventful because it was VFR at the time; but if I wouldn't have caught the crossing call; and it was IMC; it would have been bad. Very bad. The crossing traffic seemed to be headed across the runway; we would have been plainly visible. No crosschecking in that flightdeck. I also would like to know if the runway crossing lights were on when the plane started across the runway. I do not know the parameters to turn it on; ie what alt/how close the landing traffic has to be to turn it on. The crossing a/C was cleared across the runway by ATC. No incursion issues with this; but operationally; they are responsible to check before crossing. The tower controller had just launched a flight; and may have thought it was a good time to cross the inbound taxiing a/C. This is where the fault lies in my opinion. I thought they had 2 controllers running operations. One the controller; second a monitor. If so; both controllers missed that we were 10 seconds or so from touchdown.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A319 flight crew reported while on short final to 18C at CLT; ATC cleared an aircraft to cross their runway. Flight crew observed the runway incursion and executed a go-around.

Narrative: I was the [pilot flying] on [this flight] to CLT. Cleared visual approach to and land on 18C; one A/C (aircraft) was on take-off roll; and a second one was in position waiting as we approached. The sitting A/C was cleared for T/O (Take-off). We were getting close when he was cleared; but did not think it would be a problem; other than residual jetblast on the runway. He lifted off; we were good to land; and then the tower cleared another flight to cross Runway 18C. We were I believe below 500 feet at that point. I couldn't believe it; and said to the Captain; did they just clear a plane to cross our runway? Tower then made a second call to cross the plane. I did not hear the reply; but the plane was moving to cross on taxiway S; but could have been V4. Traffic landing on 18R uses freq 133.35; and Runway 18C uses 126.4. Usually taxiing traffic is switched to the 18C freq; but maybe not this time. Never heard any answer from the crossing traffic. When the second call to cross came from Tower; Captain questioned it; but it was too late. It was time to go. We did a go around from about 200-300 feet AGL. Cleared to 4000 feet and turn to 270. Tower never acknowledged the mistake at issue; sent us over to Departure. We cleaned up; set everything up for arrival; came back to Runway 18C. And had a different Controller when we came back.Honestly uneventful because it was VFR at the time; but if I wouldn't have caught the crossing call; and it was IMC; it would have been bad. Very bad. The crossing traffic seemed to be headed across the runway; we would have been plainly visible. No crosschecking in that flightdeck. I also would like to know if the runway crossing lights were on when the plane started across the runway. I do not know the parameters to turn it on; ie what alt/how close the landing traffic has to be to turn it on. The crossing A/C was cleared across the runway by ATC. No incursion issues with this; but operationally; they are responsible to check before crossing. The Tower Controller had just launched a flight; and may have thought it was a good time to cross the inbound taxiing A/C. This is where the fault lies in my opinion. I thought they had 2 Controllers running operations. One the Controller; second a monitor. If so; both Controllers missed that we were 10 seconds or so from touchdown.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.