
I cleared aircraft Z to land on a 10 mile final. Shortly after aircraft Y called ready for takeoff. Upon performing my scan; I noticed an aircraft drop off my scope; I looked out the window and performed a quick scan of final but ultimately believed the aircraft was a 090 overflight entering the 'cone of silence' the area directly above the radar; that radar east had previously called about for info. I cleared aircraft Y for takeoff and he promptly told me he was going to wait; I asked for clarification and he said he would hold short of the runway for landing traffic.I thought he was talking about aircraft X on 10 mile final but upon a thorough scan I spotted an aircraft on about a 2 mile final. Aircraft Z had dropped off radar early and was not on the last to land list; I picked up the binoculars to identify the aircraft and reached out to him with no answer. I then canceled aircraft Y takeoff clearance and advised ground control of a no radio aircraft. Aircraft Z turned onto B4 taxiway and called ground control where he was issued the brasher warning.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: AVL Local Controller reported a ground conflict between an aircraft on final that was NORDO and a departure.

Narrative: I cleared Aircraft Z to land on a 10 mile final. Shortly after Aircraft Y called ready for takeoff. Upon performing my scan; I noticed an aircraft drop off my scope; I looked out the window and performed a quick scan of final but ultimately believed the aircraft was a 090 overflight entering the 'cone of silence' the area directly above the radar; that radar east had previously called about for info. I cleared Aircraft Y for takeoff and he promptly told me he was going to wait; I asked for clarification and he said he would hold short of the runway for landing traffic.I thought he was talking about Aircraft X on 10 mile final but upon a thorough scan I spotted an aircraft on about a 2 mile final. Aircraft Z had dropped off radar early and was not on the last to land list; I picked up the binoculars to identify the aircraft and reached out to him with no answer. I then canceled Aircraft Y takeoff clearance and advised Ground Control of a No Radio aircraft. Aircraft Z turned onto B4 taxiway and called Ground Control where he was issued the brasher warning.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.