
Climbing through FL320 in smooth air we felt several sharp bumps followed by ECAM engine 1 stall. The message cleared; but was followed a minute later with several more bumps and ECAM engine 1 stall (2) message. That message cleared and was replaced with engine 1 oil clog message. Fas reported smoke in the cabin and we began to get smoke in the cockpit as well. We donned the O2 masks; [advised ATC]; and requested vectors to ZZZ. First officer ran the ECAM/QRH for the oil filter message and the smoke began to dissipate. I coordinated flight attendant items with fas and advised we planned on a normal landing with no evacuation in approximately 20 minutes. I also briefed the passengers as to the situation; to follow flight attendant instructions; and plan on a normal landing. ATC gave us expedited descent and vectors and we set up for the VOR/DME xxl. The left engine was producing stable power that matched the right engine so I chose to let it run with the understanding we could shut it down if needed.I had the fas prepare for landing and gave a final PA to the passengers to expect a normal landing; follow the fas instructions; and remain seated after touchdown. I also advised we would be met and followed by safety personnel. We landed over weight approximately 179;000; flaps full with medium brakes; smooth touchdown; and cleared the runway. Talked to arff on frequency and he reported some smoke from left engine which we shut down. They followed us to the gate. Passengers deplaned normally.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A321 Captain reported an inflight engine malfunction. Flight diverted to an enroute field and landed uneventfully.

Narrative: Climbing through FL320 in smooth air we felt several sharp bumps followed by ECAM ENG 1 STALL. The message cleared; but was followed a minute later with several more bumps and ECAM ENG 1 STALL (2) message. That message cleared and was replaced with ENG 1 OIL CLOG message. FAs reported smoke in the cabin and we began to get smoke in the cockpit as well. We donned the O2 masks; [advised ATC]; and requested vectors to ZZZ. FO ran the ECAM/QRH for the oil filter message and the smoke began to dissipate. I coordinated FA items with FAs and advised we planned on a normal landing with no evacuation in approximately 20 minutes. I also briefed the passengers as to the situation; to follow FA instructions; and plan on a normal landing. ATC gave us expedited descent and vectors and we set up for the VOR/DME XXL. The left engine was producing stable power that matched the right engine so I chose to let it run with the understanding we could shut it down if needed.I had the FAs prepare for landing and gave a final PA to the passengers to expect a normal landing; follow the FAs instructions; and remain seated after touchdown. I also advised we would be met and followed by safety personnel. We landed over weight approximately 179;000; flaps full with medium brakes; smooth touchdown; and cleared the runway. Talked to ARFF on frequency and he reported some smoke from left engine which we shut down. They followed us to the gate. Passengers deplaned normally.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.