
We were about 130 NM north of ZZZ at FL370; when the right engine overheat light illuminated. Proceeded with memory items and QRH. The light went out when the thrust lever was brought almost back to idle. The right engine was never shut down. After this; we started our decent towards ZZZ. Flight attendants were briefed and passengers were informed about our situation and divert to ZZZ. Crash fire rescue equipment was requested upon arrival as well. We had an uneventful landing on 18L. Upon exiting the runway we stopped and shut down the right engine. Crash fire rescue equipment inspected the aircraft; and we were told there were no leaks or other abnormalities. We continued to the gate; where all passengers were deplaned.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: B737-800 flight crew experienced a right engine overheat light at FL370. When the thrust lever was reduced to almost idle the light goes out. The crew elected to divert to the nearest suitable airport and the engine was allowed to continue to run.

Narrative: We were about 130 NM north of ZZZ at FL370; when the right engine overheat light illuminated. Proceeded with Memory Items and QRH. The light went out when the thrust lever was brought almost back to idle. The right engine was never shut down. After this; we started our decent towards ZZZ. Flight attendants were briefed and passengers were informed about our situation and divert to ZZZ. CFR was requested upon arrival as well. We had an uneventful landing on 18L. Upon exiting the runway we stopped and shut down the right engine. CFR inspected the aircraft; and we were told there were no leaks or other abnormalities. We continued to the gate; where all passengers were deplaned.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.