
Frequently at rsw metar/speci and weather reported on the ATIS is inaccurate. This leads to poor decision making and flight planning mistakes by pilots; dispatchers and meteorologists who rely on the weather observations to be accurate and representative.[one day] a thunderstorm was reported in the metar for several hours after it ended. A few days earlier a fc (funnel cloud) was reported in metar by accident when none occurred.the ATC at rsw should either learn how to augment the ASOS properly or leave it in automatic mode. Currently; the ATC augmentation of the ASOS at rsw leads to a poor and inaccurate product which has the potential to be dangerous.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A pilot reported that RSW METAR at times was inaccurate with outdated conditions or conditions which have not occurred.

Narrative: Frequently at RSW METAR/SPECI and weather reported on the ATIS is inaccurate. This leads to poor decision making and flight planning mistakes by pilots; dispatchers and meteorologists who rely on the weather observations to be accurate and representative.[One day] a thunderstorm was reported in the METAR for several hours after it ended. A few days earlier a FC (funnel cloud) was reported in METAR by accident when none occurred.The ATC at RSW should either learn how to augment the ASOS properly or leave it in AUTO mode. Currently; the ATC augmentation of the ASOS at RSW leads to a poor and inaccurate product which has the potential to be dangerous.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.