
We operate this aircraft with a 65' wingspan routinely from runway 10R/28L at pbi. I have come to realize that when I use taxiway right; my wingtip extends beyond what would be the extended hold-short line the whole time I am on the taxiway. There is no specific span restriction published for the taxiway or runway - perhaps there should be? There is a restriction for the runway - it's for 'non air-carrier aircraft only'. The part 139 definition of 'air-carrier aircraft' specifies that it includes the operation of the aircraft by an air carrier; but in any case it's not specific enough to be of use once you've got engines running. It would harm capacity at the airport if aircraft of this wingspan could not use this runway. If there is a discrepancy that needs to be resolved; I would suggest restricting the taxiway by a specific wingspan - the runway could still be accessed by larger aircraft via taxiway left; or by taxiway T; which is west of the non-movement area.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: PBI Taxiway R is restricted to non air carrier aircraft but the wingtip of an air carrier type aircraft on R will be beyond the Runway 10R Hold Short Line if the line were extended parallel to the runway.

Narrative: We operate this aircraft with a 65' wingspan routinely from Runway 10R/28L at PBI. I have come to realize that when I use Taxiway R; my wingtip extends beyond what would be the extended hold-short line the whole time I am on the Taxiway. There is no specific span restriction published for the taxiway or runway - perhaps there should be? There is a restriction for the runway - it's for 'non air-carrier aircraft only'. The Part 139 definition of 'air-carrier aircraft' specifies that it includes the operation of the aircraft by an air carrier; but in any case it's not specific enough to be of use once you've got engines running. It would harm capacity at the airport if aircraft of this wingspan could not use this runway. If there is a discrepancy that needs to be resolved; I would suggest restricting the taxiway by a specific wingspan - the runway could still be accessed by larger aircraft via Taxiway L; or by Taxiway T; which is west of the non-movement area.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.