
I checked the fuel and pumped the squeeze bulb to prime the engine for start. After the engine started I allowed it to warm up for six minutes then taxied to the end of the approximately 1;520 ft long runway where I performed an engine run-up and magnetic test before performing a full throttle takeoff. The engine developed full power for takeoff and climb until 300 AGL where it lost power. I tried unsuccessfully to regain power by adjusting throttle and then nosed down to maintain airspeed and attempted to execute a 180 degree turn back to the runway. There wasn't enough altitude to execute the turn back and an off field landing was made. Aircraft damage was sustained but there were no injuries.I notified the NTSB on form 6120.1 and also made phone contact. A possible cause for the loss of power was vapor lock in fuel line. The investigation is ongoing.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: The pilot of an ultra light attempted a turn back to the field after the engine failed at about 300 AGL. The attempt was unsuccessful and an off field landing was made with minor damage to the aircraft.

Narrative: I checked the fuel and pumped the squeeze bulb to prime the engine for start. After the engine started I allowed it to warm up for six minutes then taxied to the end of the approximately 1;520 FT long runway where I performed an engine run-up and magnetic test before performing a full throttle takeoff. The engine developed full power for takeoff and climb until 300 AGL where it lost power. I tried unsuccessfully to regain power by adjusting throttle and then nosed down to maintain airspeed and attempted to execute a 180 degree turn back to the runway. There wasn't enough altitude to execute the turn back and an off field landing was made. Aircraft damage was sustained but there were no injuries.I notified the NTSB on form 6120.1 and also made phone contact. A possible cause for the loss of power was vapor lock in fuel line. The investigation is ongoing.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.