118593   Near midair collision between small aircraft and medium large transport while both in...
118598   Light transport clears runway after having been cleared into position for takeoff as ...
118605   Mke approach controller advised training flight to contact green bay FSS. Pilot train...
118619   Inexperienced pilot of small aircraft overcome by the events at osh gets confused and...
118623   Near midair collision between an IFR light transport and a NORAC small aircraft in co...
118624   Unauthorized altitude change by pilot. Pilot deviation.
118683   Emergency declared as small aircraft pilot has an in-flight encounter with WX. After ...
118701   Pilot of cargo flying light twin has numerous problems with aircraft, may have inadve...
118704   Near midair collision occurred when small aircraft circled to wrong runway after cond...
118770   Tower local controller cleared two flts into the same runway for takeoff. Supervisor ...
118775   Alleged entry into restricted area determined by computer track.
118790   Altitude excursion from assigned while on localizer back course approach in IMC condi...
118791   Small aircraft pilot in IMC conditions loses radio contact due to loss of generator. ...
118803   Air carrier medium large transport flight crew makes takeoff with flaps set at altern...
118890   Pilot of small aircraft in marginal VMC conditions executes evasive maneuver to avoid...
118983   Near midair collision between small transport X and small transport Y at saf leads to...
118984   Flight crew of large transport flies with 2 inoperative VOR receivers believing groun...
118986   Air carrier confused similar VOR names and used the wrong identifier to file a STAR.
118987   Due to misreading of flight progress strip, an IFR air carrier was released using VFR...
118992   Pilot of small aircraft landed on wet grass airport unable to stop, went off end of r...
119000   Tail dragger type small aircraft ground looped on rollout after landing.
119005   Small aircraft was cleared for touch and go on a runway under the jurisdiction of the...
119015   Small aircraft on IFR plan approaching osh during busy time of eea convention was los...
119016   The pilot of a light aircraft flies to an uncontrolled airport and finds that one run...
119275   GA small aircraft altitude deviation excursion from clearance altitude when pilot was...
119369   Large transport flight crew overshoots clearance altitude on descent.
119458   Aircraft entered arsa after being instructed to remain clear. Pilot deviation.
119686   Data controller failed to coordinate an oceanic flight with next center. Aircraft ent...
119809   Air carrier X overtook air carrier Y. Less than standard separation. System error.
120004   Small aircraft X was issued taxi instructions to hold short of runway 16. Small aircr...
120261   Apparently, airshow at day included about 5 hot air balloons flying near the departur...
120366   After receiving takeoff clearance but prior to beginning takeoff roll, reporter aircr...
120786   Light single engine aircraft lands after tower closure on closed runway.
120804   Air carrier descended through altitude of another air carrier resulting in less than ...
120900   Reporter aircraft executed go around because of traffic on runway.
120901   Flight crew aborted takeoff.
121449   Aircraft departed without maintenance action sign off in aircraft logbook.
121579   GA pilot has many experiences on a VFR flight. Penetrates mexican airspace after a pr...
121887   No security inspection for boarding passengers at fort smith, ar airport on this day.
122668   PIC of air carrier complains that airport security is lax. Cites 50 security checks i...
123778   Loss of aircraft control after landing at sbn.
129013   Mlt aircraft operating on celestial navigation came in close proximity to another air...
131829   Light twin experiences electrical failure and returns for landing at uncontrolled air...
664844   A PA28 pilot flies under a cloud deck. Becomes IMC and during a turn back to VMC beco...