
Student solo on runway 26L with additional pattern training on runway 26R. While starting the left base turn for runway 26L; student got instructed by ATC to extend the downwind and ATC will call his base. Student rolled out of the base turn and paralleled the downwind ground track. Once ATC directed his base turn; student made a shallow base turn to line up on runway 26R instead of runway 26L. Another aircraft turning final for runway 26R noticed the solo student below and in front of him on short final and took evasive action to avoid collision. The other aircraft performed a go-around and offset. Student performed a touch and go on runway 26R and tower then vectored him back to the 26L pattern for the full stop. Prior to this incident; student performed his pre-solo checkout on runway 26R. After getting extended on downwind; student mistakenly took runway 26R as his landing runway.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A student on his first solo reported an NMAC with another light aircraft in the pattern when he made a visual approach to the wrong runway.

Narrative: Student solo on Runway 26L with additional pattern training on Runway 26R. While starting the left base turn for Runway 26L; student got instructed by ATC to extend the downwind and ATC will call his base. Student rolled out of the base turn and paralleled the downwind ground track. Once ATC directed his base turn; student made a shallow base turn to line up on Runway 26R instead of Runway 26L. Another aircraft turning final for Runway 26R noticed the solo student below and in front of him on short final and took evasive action to avoid collision. The other aircraft performed a go-around and offset. Student performed a touch and go on Runway 26R and Tower then vectored him back to the 26L pattern for the full stop. Prior to this incident; student performed his pre-solo checkout on Runway 26R. After getting extended on downwind; student mistakenly took Runway 26R as his landing runway.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.