
On a flight to cno with VFR conditions 3;000 ft ceiling; prevailing visibility 5 miles with reduced visibility due to rain showers to the west. I contacted cno tower and they instructed me to fly left traffic to runway 26L; shortly after; they amended their instructions to enter right base for runway 8L. There was a helicopter in the pattern for 8L ahead of me. The tower cleared me to land on 8L. Due to spiteful turbulence I was confused and mistakenly lined up on runway 3. On the rollout I crossed into the intersection with runway 8L as a helicopter departed overhead. After I landed; tower requested that I contact ground.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A pilot approaching CNO was given landing clearance for Runawy 8L but in weather and turbulence landed on Runway 3.

Narrative: On a flight to CNO with VFR conditions 3;000 FT ceiling; prevailing visibility 5 miles with reduced visibility due to rain showers to the west. I contacted CNO Tower and they instructed me to fly left traffic to Runway 26L; shortly after; they amended their instructions to enter right base for Runway 8L. There was a helicopter in the pattern for 8L ahead of me. The Tower cleared me to land on 8L. Due to spiteful turbulence I was confused and mistakenly lined up on Runway 3. On the rollout I crossed into the intersection with Runway 8L as a Helicopter departed overhead. After I landed; Tower requested that I contact Ground.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.