
Aircraft was given direct pmm by ZNY which caused it to enter jhw sector shortly after entering my sector. My habit is to wait for the aircraft to check in before flashing the hand off to the next controller. The ZNY controller forgot to switch the aircraft to my frequency and I let the aircraft encroach on the next controllers airspace before I made a hand off. When I noticed the airspace violation occurring I called the next controller and initiated a hand off. Recommendation; initiate a hand off as soon as you realize an aircraft will enter another controllers airspace shortly after it enters yours.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZOB Controller described airspace incursion when failing to make a timely hand off to an adjacent sector.

Narrative: Aircraft was given direct PMM by ZNY which caused it to enter JHW sector shortly after entering my sector. My habit is to wait for the aircraft to check in before flashing the hand off to the next controller. The ZNY Controller forgot to switch the aircraft to my frequency and I let the aircraft encroach on the next controllers airspace before I made a hand off. When I noticed the airspace violation occurring I called the next controller and initiated a hand off. Recommendation; initiate a hand off as soon as you realize an aircraft will enter another controllers airspace shortly after it enters yours.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.