
Departed (vdf) tampa executive airport towards south. Vdf is east of (tpa) tampa international; class B. Climbed up to 4000 ft above clouds making turn to northeast area where I was in the class B 3;000 to 10;000 foot shelf. Didn't realize violation until ATC stated 'class B violation' in the quadrant I was in. I was only monitoring ATC not in contact with them. Once I heard 'violation' I started to descend to land at (zph). A large storm front was coming in from northwest. I don't normally fly south or fly above 3000 ft in this area. Need to be more diligent since vdf is near class B. Also need to be aware and make better decisions as pilot in command. Be aware of instruments; constantly monitoring.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: PA28 pilot departing VDF climbed to 4000 FT to avoid clouds forgetting the base of TPA Class B is at 3000 FT in this area.

Narrative: Departed (VDF) Tampa Executive airport towards south. VDF is East of (TPA) Tampa International; Class B. Climbed up to 4000 FT above clouds making turn to Northeast area where I was in the Class B 3;000 to 10;000 foot shelf. Didn't realize violation until ATC stated 'Class B violation' in the quadrant I was in. I was only monitoring ATC not in contact with them. Once I heard 'violation' I started to descend to land at (ZPH). A large storm front was coming in from northwest. I don't normally fly south or fly above 3000 FT in this area. Need to be more diligent since VDF is near Class B. Also need to be aware and make better decisions as pilot in command. Be aware of instruments; constantly monitoring.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.