
Ground control cleared flight ab on local IFR flight plan; flight ab requested own navigation to VOR for full procedure at 2;000 feet. The MVA throughout most of ZZZ airspace is 2;400 feet and normal practice is to clear all IFR aircraft above the MVA. Ground control did not coordinate the abnormal altitude with local control. I did not catch the altitude and due to traffic flight ab could not get own navigation on departure. I issued a departure heading to flight ab to avoid traffic that put flight ab into a MVA of 2;400 feet.ground control should only issue IFR aircraft altitudes at or above MVA.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: TRACON Controllers reported social distancing; during the training period; may have contributed to an incorrect altitude assigned to the aircraft.

Narrative: Ground Control cleared Flight AB on local IFR flight plan; Flight AB requested own navigation to VOR for full procedure at 2;000 feet. The MVA throughout most of ZZZ airspace is 2;400 feet and normal practice is to clear all IFR aircraft above the MVA. Ground Control did not coordinate the abnormal altitude with Local Control. I did not catch the altitude and due to traffic Flight AB could not get own navigation on departure. I issued a departure heading to Flight AB to avoid traffic that put Flight AB into a MVA of 2;400 feet.Ground Control should only issue IFR aircraft altitudes at or above MVA.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.