
We were established on the ILS to ZZZ just outside zzzzz at approximately 7.0 DME and approximately 2;500 ft MSL. The captain was the pilot flying and I was the pilot monitoring. While performing some of the final landing configuration tasks; I caught motion of an object out of my peripheral vision at about 1:00 low. My first thought was that the object was a helicopter passing below. We were not advised of the traffic by ATC; so I looked again and observed the object for about 3 seconds as it passed beneath and to the right of the airplane. The object that I observed appeared to be a medium sized drone. It was white in color and appeared to have some sort of red markings or lettering on it. I saw it clearly enough to see that it had a total of 4 rotors; one on each corner of the craft. We were on the centerline of the approach course; so I would estimate the drone position to be 200 feet north of the centerline and about 300 ft below our altitude; or approximately 2;200 ft MSL. I reported the drone sighting to ATC shortly thereafter. We continued our approach and landing without further incident. The tower gave me a phone number to approach to call as we were taxiing to the gate. After shutdown and safely at the gate I called the number and answered all questions they causal factors on our part that played a role. This event happened over a period of 6-7 seconds. I think an evasive maneuver would have been difficult to accomplish if it had been needed.not sure how to prevent this from happening in the future.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: B787 flight crew reported an uneventful landing after experiencing an airborne conflict with a UAV during final approach.

Narrative: We were established on the ILS to ZZZ just outside ZZZZZ at approximately 7.0 DME and approximately 2;500 ft MSL. The Captain was the Pilot Flying and I was the Pilot Monitoring. While performing some of the final landing configuration tasks; I caught motion of an object out of my peripheral vision at about 1:00 low. My first thought was that the object was a helicopter passing below. We were not advised of the traffic by ATC; so I looked again and observed the object for about 3 seconds as it passed beneath and to the right of the airplane. The object that I observed appeared to be a medium sized drone. It was white in color and appeared to have some sort of Red markings or lettering on it. I saw it clearly enough to see that it had a total of 4 rotors; one on each corner of the craft. We were on the centerline of the approach course; so I would estimate the drone position to be 200 feet north of the centerline and about 300 ft below our altitude; or approximately 2;200 ft MSL. I reported the drone sighting to ATC shortly thereafter. We continued our approach and landing without further incident. The tower gave me a phone number to Approach to call as we were taxiing to the gate. After shutdown and safely at the gate I called the number and answered all questions they had.No causal factors on our part that played a role. This event happened over a period of 6-7 seconds. I think an evasive maneuver would have been difficult to accomplish if it had been needed.Not sure how to prevent this from happening in the future.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.