
On departure from ZZZ I looked at the wing and saw a stream of fuel pouring from the wing. Notified tower of the need to return immediately. The tower rolled the firetrucks in response. The problem most likely was an incorrect seating of the fuel cap due to a faulty rubber gasket. In order to prevent a re-occurrence of a similar incident; during 100 hour inspections the gasket in the fuel caps need to be thoroughly inspected. A more in depth preflight; including one that more thoroughly inspects the bottoms of the fuel caps need to be employed in the future with aztecs. The gaskets on all 4 four tanks are currently being replaced in response to this incident.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A Piper Aztec pilot reported observing fuel streaming from the wing due to a suspected faulty fuel cap gasket.

Narrative: On departure from ZZZ I looked at the wing and saw a stream of fuel pouring from the wing. Notified Tower of the need to return immediately. The Tower rolled the firetrucks in response. The problem most likely was an incorrect seating of the fuel cap due to a faulty rubber gasket. In order to prevent a re-occurrence of a similar incident; during 100 hour inspections the gasket in the fuel caps need to be thoroughly inspected. A more in depth preflight; including one that more thoroughly inspects the bottoms of the fuel caps need to be employed in the future with Aztecs. The gaskets on all 4 four tanks are currently being replaced in response to this incident.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.