
Over swamp and overwater routes present unnecessary dangers. General aviation aircraft receive IFR route clearances over dangerous areas when transiting to eyw. Prior to flights; pilots who attempt consultations with miami center; when seeking safe routing down V3; requests are arbitrarily rejected because of 'traffic conflicts.' fact: the western half of the southern end of florida is a coastal plain non-riverine basin swamp covered with densely populated bald cypress and swamp tupelo trees in standing water that render the terrain virtually un-navigable on foot. Downed aircraft in the okefenokee swamp create legendary misfortune. Aircraft; after off-airport landings in the swamp; are virtually swallowed by the dense vegetation making search and rescue problematic; and death more likely than on dry ground. In addition; the large expanse of open ocean; stretching from the western side of fl mainland to the chain of islands constituting the florida keys; offers no refuge to downed pilots. Miami center insists on routing GA aircraft south of mky down the west coast of florida toward eyw; and out over 25 NM of open ocean from the mainland to eyw. The only alternative is to overfly the east coast control zones under VFR above 7;000 MSL. That's only available in VMC. VMC is not always available.the coastline route from mky to eyw violates safety. Travel across the okefenokee swamp (big cypress/everglades) violates safety. Neither segment of the routing is necessary; yet miami center makes it mandatory. Airports in eastern florida; south of F45; use east-west runways that offer ample opportunity for GA overflights on north-south routes to fly directly overhead these airports without interfering with commercial arrivals and departures. ARTCC controllers can easily route GA flights; always over safe terrain; from vrb via V3 to tavenaero park thence vplyy (never to drown) thence direct to mth thence to eyw. Stay over safe terrain. Any other route is a death trap.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: BE36 pilot reported ATC will not approve IFR flights to EYW via V3 due to 'traffic conflicts'; requiring flight along the west coast of Florida over swamp and open water. The reporter believes this is not safe.

Narrative: Over swamp and overwater routes present unnecessary dangers. General aviation aircraft receive IFR route clearances over dangerous areas when transiting to EYW. Prior to flights; pilots who attempt consultations with Miami Center; when seeking safe routing down V3; requests are arbitrarily rejected because of 'traffic conflicts.' Fact: the Western half of the southern end of Florida is a coastal plain non-riverine basin swamp covered with densely populated bald cypress and swamp tupelo trees in standing water that render the terrain virtually un-navigable on foot. Downed aircraft in the Okefenokee Swamp create legendary misfortune. Aircraft; after off-airport landings in the swamp; are virtually swallowed by the dense vegetation making search and rescue problematic; and death more likely than on dry ground. In addition; the large expanse of open ocean; stretching from the western side of FL mainland to the chain of islands constituting the Florida Keys; offers no refuge to downed pilots. Miami Center insists on routing GA aircraft south of MKY down the West coast of Florida toward EYW; and out over 25 NM of open ocean from the mainland to EYW. The only alternative is to overfly the East coast control zones under VFR above 7;000 MSL. That's only available in VMC. VMC is not always available.The coastline route from MKY to EYW violates SAFETY. Travel across the Okefenokee Swamp (Big Cypress/Everglades) violates SAFETY. Neither segment of the routing is necessary; yet Miami Center makes it mandatory. Airports in Eastern Florida; south of F45; use east-west runways that offer ample opportunity for GA overflights on north-south routes to fly directly overhead these airports without interfering with commercial arrivals and departures. ARTCC controllers can easily route GA flights; always over safe terrain; from VRB via V3 to Tavenaero Park thence VPLYY (never to DROWN) thence direct to MTH thence to EYW. Stay over safe terrain. Any other route is a death trap.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.