
I was working steady traffic mostly ord and mdw inbounds when ind sector began handing off aircraft X south of vhp descending from 34;000 feet to 30;000 feet landing fwa. Aircraft X was very high and should have been at a lower altitude; at that point and I knew I would have to vector aircraft X in order to get the aircraft down and around all my traffic. I called the ind radar and requested that he put aircraft X on a 350 degree heading which would parallel my aircraft Y flight descending from 26;000 feet to 24;000 feet and pull him away from my ord inbounds and a mke over-flight northwest bound into ZAU at 28;000 feet.I pointed the aircraft out to logan sector (G34); and descended the aircraft to 23;000 feet which would get him under aircraft Y that was now level at 24;000 feet over okk. The data block of aircraft X showed 23;000 feet and 4th line showed him on the 350 heading when I flashed it to G32 (okk). When the aircraft was a minute from the boundary without okk taking the handoff; I called over the landline for G32 to take aircraft X's handoff. I repeated myself many times without success and when aircraft X left 24;000 feet for 23;000 feet I ended up violating G32's airspace without a hand off.G32 also wasn't taking the handoff on aircraft Y going into mdw and was almost over okk by that time. I decided just to put aircraft X on G32's frequency anyway and put aircraft Y on G34 frequency since that aircraft was still in G34's airspace. Soon after I switched aircraft X; G32 sector called me and reamed me for putting aircraft X on his frequency without a handoff and wanted to know what altitude the aircraft was descending to as he said 'he didn't approve any descent on that aircraft'. I couldn't believe what he was saying. He purposefully didn't answer the line and didn't take the handoffs. Our area has had numerous run-ins with this controller and in [all] my years of working fwa; mdw and ord inbounds; I have never had to get approval for a descent on a fwa inbound.I felt that it was clear and obvious what I was trying to accomplish with aircraft X. I went out of my way to get the fwa arrival below all the chicago metro arrivals and over flights and this G32 controller caused me to violate his airspace because he is an unprofessional controller who enjoys causing issues with our area! He had absolutely no reason whatsoever to do what he did other than to mess with me. This is completely unacceptable!


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZID Controller reported handoff issues with adjacent sector. The adjacent sector Controller would not take the handoff after being called on the landline and the aircraft being flashed through. ZID Controller then gave the aircraft a frequency change without initiating a handoff.

Narrative: I was working steady traffic mostly ORD and MDW inbounds when IND sector began handing off aircraft X south of VHP descending from 34;000 feet to 30;000 feet landing FWA. Aircraft X was very high and should have been at a lower altitude; at that point and I knew I would have to vector aircraft X in order to get the aircraft down and around all my traffic. I called the IND radar and requested that he put aircraft X on a 350 degree heading which would parallel my aircraft Y flight descending from 26;000 feet to 24;000 feet and pull him away from my ORD inbounds and a MKE over-flight northwest bound into ZAU at 28;000 feet.I pointed the aircraft out to LOGAN sector (G34); and descended the aircraft to 23;000 feet which would get him under aircraft Y that was now level at 24;000 feet over OKK. The data block of aircraft X showed 23;000 feet and 4th line showed him on the 350 heading when I flashed it to G32 (OKK). When the aircraft was a minute from the boundary without OKK taking the handoff; I called over the landline for G32 to take aircraft X's handoff. I repeated myself many times without success and when aircraft X left 24;000 feet for 23;000 feet I ended up violating G32's airspace without a hand off.G32 also wasn't taking the handoff on Aircraft Y going into MDW and was almost over OKK by that time. I decided just to put aircraft X on G32's frequency anyway and put aircraft Y on G34 frequency since that aircraft was still in G34's airspace. Soon after I switched aircraft X; G32 sector called me and reamed me for putting aircraft X on his frequency without a handoff and wanted to know what altitude the aircraft was descending to as he said 'he didn't approve any descent on that aircraft'. I couldn't believe what he was saying. He purposefully didn't answer the line and didn't take the handoffs. Our area has had numerous run-ins with this controller and in [all] my years of working FWA; MDW and ORD inbounds; I have never had to get approval for a descent on a FWA inbound.I felt that it was clear and obvious what I was trying to accomplish with aircraft X. I went out of my way to get the FWA arrival below all the Chicago Metro arrivals and over flights and this G32 controller caused me to violate his airspace because he is an unprofessional controller who enjoys causing issues with our area! He had absolutely no reason whatsoever to do what he did other than to mess with me. This is completely unacceptable!

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.