
Pilatus taxied from parking while monitoring CTAF to get an indication of the traffic in the area. Approximate taxi time was 3 minutes. Pilatus pilot only heard a piper cub on CTAF. The cub was announcing traffic legs for runway 17 and landed without incident. About the time the cub was clearing the active runway; pilatus was ready for takeoff. Pilatus announced intentions to take off; checked the final approach for runway 17 for traffic; and about 20 seconds later taxied onto the active runway. A cirrus who had not made any prior CTAF announcements (for the last 3 minutes at least); advises that he is going around (presumably unexpectedly). Pilatus holds position on the runway until cirrus turns crosswind leg. Pilatus then departs without incident and cirrus lands without prevent a recurrence of an unexpected go around; I recommend the following:- all aircraft announce each traffic leg in the pattern or if entering a 5 mile final; make an announcement every 2 miles. - If another aircraft announces takeoff intentions which could cause a potential conflict; make a CTAF announcement immediately of the potential conflict. - Before taking the active runway; perform a through scan of the runway final and base legs.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: PC12 pilot taxied out listening to the CTAF without hearing any conflicting traffic; then announces his departure. Approximately 20 seconds later he takes the runway and a SR22 on final announces a go-around.

Narrative: Pilatus taxied from parking while monitoring CTAF to get an indication of the traffic in the area. Approximate taxi time was 3 minutes. Pilatus pilot only heard a Piper Cub on CTAF. The Cub was announcing traffic legs for Runway 17 and landed without incident. About the time the Cub was clearing the active runway; Pilatus was ready for takeoff. Pilatus announced intentions to take off; checked the final approach for Runway 17 for traffic; and about 20 seconds later taxied onto the active runway. A Cirrus who had not made any prior CTAF announcements (for the last 3 minutes at least); advises that he is going around (presumably unexpectedly). Pilatus holds position on the runway until Cirrus turns crosswind leg. Pilatus then departs without incident and Cirrus lands without incident.To prevent a recurrence of an unexpected go around; I recommend the following:- All aircraft announce each traffic leg in the pattern or if entering a 5 mile final; make an announcement every 2 miles. - If another aircraft announces takeoff intentions which could cause a potential conflict; make a CTAF announcement immediately of the potential conflict. - Before taking the active runway; perform a through scan of the runway final and base legs.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.