
Landed runway 27L in atl and was instructed to hold short of runway 27R at N5. Then instructed to cross 27R and join M taxiway and contact ground on 121.75. Ground control was busy; so after I cleared hold short line and join M; I brought the aircraft to a stop. After a minute we were able to get a word in on ground control and informed him we were on M and needed to go to ramp X. We were instructed to taxi to ramp X. First officer switched over to ramp and received clearance to enter. Shortly after he tuned ground control on number two so that we could monitor. As I made the left turn off M into ramp X; I noticed an aircraft Y; from my left; taxiing at a high rate of speed with his nose light on. I felt like the aircraft Y was not going to slow or stop and a collision was imminent. I slammed on brakes and the aircraft Y passed off our nose. Ground control contacted us as I was slamming on brakes; and asked why we stopped; and if ramp would not let us in? We informed him of the aircraft Y; and he instructed us to; again; taxi to the ramp. At gate; I called clearance delivery to get tower supervisors phone number. Called supervisor; have not heard back from him. Would like to know what happened first.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: The flight crew of an Aircraft X inbound to the gate at ATL had to stop abruptly for a crossing Aircraft Y that failed to acknowledge or slow before passing the reporter's aircraft.

Narrative: Landed runway 27L in ATL and was instructed to hold short of runway 27R at N5. Then instructed to cross 27R and join M taxiway and contact ground on 121.75. Ground control was busy; so after I cleared hold short line and join M; I brought the aircraft to a stop. After a minute we were able to get a word in on ground control and informed him we were on M and needed to go to ramp X. We were instructed to taxi to ramp X. First officer switched over to ramp and received clearance to enter. Shortly after he tuned ground control on number two so that we could monitor. As I made the left turn off M into ramp X; I noticed an Aircraft Y; from my left; taxiing at a high rate of speed with his nose light on. I felt like the Aircraft Y was not going to slow or stop and a collision was imminent. I slammed on brakes and the Aircraft Y passed off our nose. Ground control contacted us as I was slamming on brakes; and asked why we stopped; and if ramp would not let us in? We informed him of the Aircraft Y; and he instructed us to; again; taxi to the ramp. At gate; I called clearance delivery to get tower supervisors phone number. Called supervisor; have not heard back from him. Would like to know what happened first.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.