
After takeoff with the first officer flying; first officer announced that being unable to trim the aircraft with the control wheel trim switch. I looked down on the trim indicator on the center pedestal and saw no movement while first officer was attempting to trim. I checked the main trim cut off switch which was in the correct position with the guard down. I then took control of the aircraft after announcing so and attempted to trim with my control wheel trim switch with the same result. The horizontal stabilizer did not move either direction. I then reset the main stab trim cutoff switch and tried again with the same negative result. Unable to trim nose down or up. I told the first officer we [would] return to the airport while I tried trimming with the alternate trim switches with success. I then engaged the auto pilot; handled the aircraft and ATC while the first officer ran the checklists. When we were level on downwind I disengaged the autopilot and tried trimming with the control wheel trim switch again with success. All trim systems worked normally after that and we landed normally albeit overweight at 135;000 lbs with a soft landing.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: When their MD-83's normal stab trim failed to function after takeoff the flight crew returned to their departure airport. After maneuvering for approach employing the alternate stab trim and autopilot the normal system returned to operation when the autopilot was disconnected for final approach and landing.

Narrative: After takeoff with the First Officer flying; FO announced that being unable to trim the aircraft with the control wheel trim switch. I looked down on the trim indicator on the center pedestal and saw no movement while FO was attempting to trim. I checked the main trim cut off switch which was in the correct position with the guard down. I then took control of the aircraft after announcing so and attempted to trim with my control wheel trim switch with the same result. The horizontal stabilizer did not move either direction. I then reset the main stab trim cutoff switch and tried again with the same negative result. Unable to trim nose down or up. I told the First Officer we [would] return to the airport while I tried trimming with the alternate trim switches with success. I then engaged the auto pilot; handled the aircraft and ATC while the First Officer ran the checklists. When we were level on downwind I disengaged the autopilot and tried trimming with the control wheel trim switch again with success. All trim systems worked normally after that and we landed normally albeit overweight at 135;000 lbs with a soft landing.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.