
Aircraft was reported to have a crack in the captain's side storage container. Inspection of this container showed several repairs had been attempted on this container. I reapplied the previous repairs and secured the crack by drilling a hole through the container box and secured the crack with a tie wrap; then filling with a bead of silicone. Evidently without my knowledge; a wire was damaged during the process of drilling through the fiberglass. This damage caused an auto brake malfunction on the subsequent log page. During troubleshooting of the auto-brake MEL; maintenance found the damaged wire. I was concerned with getting the aircraft out on time with no delay. This component had been damaged many times before and would have taken a long time to repair or replaced if the item was in stock. Remove aircraft from service regardless of consequences to flight schedule.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: While attempting an interim repair to a fiberglass panel located in the flight deck; the Maintenance Technician inadvertently drilled into a wire bundle; causing an auto brake system malfunction.

Narrative: Aircraft was reported to have a crack in the Captain's side storage container. Inspection of this container showed several repairs had been attempted on this container. I reapplied the previous repairs and secured the crack by drilling a hole through the container box and secured the crack with a tie wrap; then filling with a bead of silicone. Evidently without my knowledge; a wire was damaged during the process of drilling through the fiberglass. This damage caused an auto brake malfunction on the subsequent log page. During troubleshooting of the auto-brake MEL; Maintenance found the damaged wire. I was concerned with getting the aircraft out on time with no delay. This component had been damaged many times before and would have taken a long time to repair or replaced if the item was in stock. Remove aircraft from service regardless of consequences to flight schedule.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.