
While beginning taxi from our gate; we approached L5 exit to join taxiway alpha. ATC issued a clearance to hold short approach end runway 3 on alpha. At that time; I read back the clearance as we were beginning the turn from L5 onto alpha southbound. I was looking to the right briefly to clear the turning area (this occurred while reading back the hold short instruction); I did not see any markings on the taxiway while looking to the south ahead of the turn; I then looked down to my 10-9 chart to see if the hold area was charted (it was not) I then quickly oriented myself with the probable location of the hold short area on taxiway alpha. As I looked up; we had already completed the turn and were on taxiway alpha. A second later; the captain (while stopping the airplane) asked if I saw the hold short lines. I was looking ahead the aircraft; did not see any such lines or markings and stated that to the captain. I was about to query ATC; however they asked if we had taxied past the line; I told ground control we weren't sure. We were then cleared to continue our taxi to runway 36. Late ATC clearance and not realizing knowing the hold short line was in such close proximity to L5 on alpha. I would suggest moving L5 north by about 100 ft would help. It appears as the aircraft completes the turn the approach end marking are about 15 yards south of the taxiway entrance.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A flight crew departing MSN failed to hold short of the Runway 3 approach critical line on Taxiway L5 prior to entering Taxiway A because they were not expecting nor did they see the hold lines at that location.

Narrative: While beginning taxi from our gate; we approached L5 exit to join Taxiway Alpha. ATC issued a clearance to hold short approach end Runway 3 on Alpha. At that time; I read back the clearance as we were beginning the turn from L5 onto Alpha southbound. I was looking to the right briefly to clear the turning area (this occurred while reading back the hold short instruction); I did not see any markings on the taxiway while looking to the south ahead of the turn; I then looked down to my 10-9 chart to see if the hold area was charted (it was not) I then quickly oriented myself with the probable location of the hold short area on Taxiway Alpha. As I looked up; we had already completed the turn and were on Taxiway Alpha. A second later; the Captain (while stopping the airplane) asked if I saw the hold short lines. I was looking ahead the aircraft; did not see any such lines or markings and stated that to the Captain. I was about to query ATC; however they asked if we had taxied past the line; I told Ground Control we weren't sure. We were then cleared to continue our taxi to Runway 36. Late ATC clearance and not realizing knowing the hold short line was in such close proximity to L5 on Alpha. I would suggest moving L5 north by about 100 FT would help. It appears as the aircraft completes the turn the approach end marking are about 15 yards south of the taxiway entrance.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of July 2013 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.